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Title File Category Date File Format
Local Annual Performance Report - SY 2020-2021 SU035 SU035_wCounts.pdf (792.02 KB) 06/01/2022 PDF
Local Annual Performance Report – SY 2020-2021 SU014 Local Annual Performance Report – SY 2020-2021 SU 014.pdf (785.28 KB) 06/01/2022 PDF
Needs-based Professional Development: Making Connections with VTmtss edu-nbpd-making-connections-with-vtmtss.pdf (1.14 MB) 06/01/2022 PDF
Educational Support Team (EST): Making Connections with VTmtss edu-est-making-connections-with-vtmtss.pdf (745.12 KB) 06/01/2022 PDF
CEP Data Report Instructions 2022 edu-nutrition-cep-data-collection-instructions-2022.pdf (704.88 KB) 06/01/2022 PDF
Summer P-EBT Template Language for Households edu-summer-pebt-template-language-for-households.docx (721.62 KB) 06/01/2022 Text
District-level Educational Support Team (EST) Oversight edu-district-level-est-oversight.pdf (160.85 KB) 06/01/2022 PDF
FY 2021 State APR Indicator 14: Post Secondary Outcomes FY 2021 State APR Indicator 14 Post Secondary Outcomes.pdf (66.7 KB) 06/01/2022 PDF
Local Annual Performance Report – SY 2020-2021 SU012 Local Annual Performance Report – SY 2020-2021 SU 012.pdf (1.47 MB) 06/01/2022 PDF
Local Annual Performance Report – SY 2020-2021 SU015 Local Annual Performance Report – SY 2020-2021 SU 015.pdf (783.55 KB) 06/01/2022 PDF
Local Annual Performance Report – SY 2020-2021 SU016 Local Annual Performance Report – SY 2020-2021 SU 016.pdf (783.87 KB) 06/01/2022 PDF
Local Annual Performance Report – SY 2020-2021 SU017 Local Annual Performance Report – SY 2020-2021 SU 017.pdf (784.69 KB) 06/01/2022 PDF
Local Annual Performance Report – SY 2020-2021 SU009 Local Annual Performance Report – SY 2020-2021 SU 09.pdf (792.71 KB) 06/01/2022 PDF
FY 2021 State APR Indicator 1: Graduation fy2021-state-apr-indicator-1.pdf (94.99 KB) 06/01/2022 PDF
Local Annual Performance Report for 2020-2021 edu-local-annual-performance-reports-sy-2020-2021-list.pdf (542 KB) 06/01/2022 PDF
FY 2021 State APR Indicator 5: Education Environments (Ages 5-in-Kindergarten to 21) fy2021-state-apr-indicator-5.pdf (122.88 KB) 06/01/2022 PDF
FY 2021 State APR Indicator 6 – Early Childhood Environments fy2021-state-apr-indicator-6.pdf (113.5 KB) 06/01/2022 PDF
FY 2021 State APR Indicator 7 – Early Childhood Outcomes fy2021-state-apr-indicator-7.pdf (111.05 KB) 06/01/2022 PDF
FY 2021 State APR Indicator 8 – Parent Involvement fy2021-state-apr-indicator-8.pdf (92.54 KB) 06/01/2022 PDF
Local Annual Performance Report - SY 2020-2021 SU019 SU019_wCounts.pdf (931.97 KB) 06/01/2022 PDF