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Title File Category Date File Format
Provisional Licensure for ECSE and K-12 Special Educators edu-provisional-licensure-for-ecse-and-k12-special-educators.pdf (225.96 KB) 08/04/2022 PDF
Census-Based Funding Advisory Group Report to House and Senate Committees on Education and the State Board of Education edu-new-legislative-report-act-173-advisory-group-2022.pdf (424.19 KB) 08/04/2022 PDF
Report on Shared School District Data Management System Path Forward Recommendation edu-ads-vasbo-vshrp-recommendation-path-forward-SSDDMS.pdf (216.36 KB) 08/04/2022 PDF
Report on Status Update on Implementation and Improvement of the Shared School District Data Management System edu-legislative-report-french-act-66-ssddms-status-update-december-2021.pdf (234.79 KB) 08/04/2022 PDF
Recommendations of the Universal School Meals Task Force edu-ahs-aafm-legislative-report-universal-meals-task-force-20220201.pdf (414.77 KB) 08/04/2022 PDF
Report on Referrals of Truancy to State’s Attorneys edu-legislative-report-bouchey-truancy-referrals-20220208.pdf (207.33 KB) 08/04/2022 PDF
Letter to General Assembly from Secretary French and Dr. Kolbe regarding Background and Remaining Points of Disagreement in SBE/AOE Legislative Report edu-sbe-letter-french-kolbe-roles-and-responsibilities-points-of-difference-20220311.pdf (622.09 KB) 08/04/2022 PDF
Roles and Responsibilities for the Vermont State Board of Education and Agency of Education sbe-edu-legislative-report-roles-responsibilities-state-board-agency-20220311.pdf (564.12 KB) 08/04/2022 PDF
Independent School Approval Report - Maplehill School sbe-independent-school-review-report-and-email-acknowledgement-maplehill-school-8-2022.pdf (547.72 KB) 08/03/2022 PDF
Advisory Council on Literacy Blueprint Subcommittee Meeting Agenda - August 3, 2022 Advisory Council on Literacy-Subcommittee Meeting Agenda-08_03_22.pdf (381.28 KB) 08/03/2022 PDF
Advisory Council on Literacy- Blueprint Subcommittee Draft Meeting Minutes - August 3, 2022 Advisory Council on Literacy-draft subcommittee meeting minutes-08-03-22.pdf (400.79 KB) 08/03/2022 PDF
Notes from Erin Maguire's Comments to the Committee edu-sbe-ripton-status-report-committee-notes-from-maguire-07-27-22.pdf (96.21 KB) 08/03/2022 PDF
Determining the Appropriateness of Suspension or Expulsion for Students Under Age Eight edu-determining-the-appropriateness-of-suspension-or-expulsion-for-students-under-age-eight.pdf (254.9 KB) 08/03/2022 PDF
Memo: New Requirement - Ban on Suspension and Expulsion of Students Under Age Eight edu-memo-french-new-requirement-ban-on-suspension-and-expulsion-of-students-under-age-eight.pdf (275.03 KB) 08/03/2022 PDF
Signed Addendum - Mt. Snow Academy sbe-is-approval-review-committee-signed-addendum-mt-snow-8-2022.pdf (299.18 KB) 08/03/2022 PDF
Signed Addendum - Maplehill School sbe-is-approval-review-committee-signed-addendum-maplehill-school-8-2022.pdf (841.09 KB) 08/03/2022 PDF
Unsigned Addendum sbe-is-approval-review-committee-unsigned-addendum-8-2022.pdf (576.71 KB) 08/03/2022 PDF
Letter from Mark Oettinger Regarding East Burke School Renewal Application sbe-is-approval-review-committee-letter-from-oettinger-east-burke-8-2022.pdf (246.47 KB) 08/03/2022 PDF
Pricing Program Benefit Notification Letter edu-nutrition-pricing-program-benefit-notification-letter-sy-2022-2023.docx (35.71 KB) 08/03/2022 Text
Response from East Burke School to Independent School Report sbe-is-approval-review-committee-east-burke-response-to-school-report-8-2022.pdf (311.14 KB) 08/03/2022 PDF