Contents: January 30, 2025
- Norovirus Training and Resources
- Vermont Public: Student Podcast Challenge
- EQ Professional Development/Office Hour
- Dual Enrollment, Fast Forward, and Early College Partnership Agreements (FY26)
- Vermont Multi-Tiered Systems of Support Office Hours
- Physical Education Proficiency-based Graduation Requirement Hierarchy
- Functional Behavioral Assessment & Student Support Plan (FBA/SSP)
Norovirus Training and Resources
Audience: Education Professionals, Parents, Teachers, Administrators
Norovirus is circulating in Vermont. Illness among staff and students has resulted in some unanticipated school closures this week. Norovirus is highly contagious and easily spread through contaminated food and beverages and serving utensils, as well as other many other means. The best way to prevent norovirus is to wash your hands well with soap and water. Hand sanitizer is not effective against norovirus. Stay home from work for at least 48 hours if you’re sick with norovirus. If your staff have not recently received training on Norovirus, now is a good time for a refresher. The Institute for Child Nutrition offers a free online self-paced Norovirus for Schools course. This course counts as two hours towards the annual professional standards requirements. ICN also offers a variety of materials that can be used for conducting your own training, including factsheets, posters, and a video. Although these resources are aimed at food service staff, school administrators may find them helpful to share them with all staff.
The Vermont Department of Health helps manage Norovirus outbreaks. Please see their Quick Reference Guide for Schools on Norovirus-like Illness as well as their page with general information on preventing and managing an outbreak. If you suspect an outbreak at your school (2+ people are sick within 1-2 days of each other with abrupt onset of vomiting and/or diarrhea), notify the Health Department 24/7 by using the Online Outbreak Report Form. You can also report outbreaks by calling 802-863-7240.
Contact: Mary (Rosie) Krueger at Mary.Krueger@vermont.gov
Vermont Public: Student Podcast Challenge
Audience: Vermont Educators, Grades 4-12 Educators
Calling all Vermont podcast creators in grades 4-12. Vermont Public and NPR's Student Podcast Challenge has returned. The 2025 contest will close on May 2, 2025, giving students as much of the winter/spring academic term to make something they can feel proud of as possible. The rules and resources explain that students can make a podcast about any topic they're interested in, as long as they keep it between three to eight minutes. Visit the Vermont Public Educators page for more recommendations for high-quality resources.
Contact: Emily Leute at emily.leute@vermont.gov
EQ Professional Development/Office Hour
Audience: For All Schools, and those identified for Comprehensive and Equity Supports
The Education Quality Assurance Team, Data Management and Analysis Team, and Assessment Team will hold a combined office hour on Wednesday, February 5, from 9 to 10 am. We will discuss the Accountability Framework, related Annual Snapshot Results, and Support for Continuous Improvement.
Contact: toni.marra@vermont.gov or lori.dolezal@vermont.gov
Dual Enrollment, Fast Forward, and Early College Partnership Agreements (FY26)
Audience: Superintendents, Principals, CTE Directors, Independent School Heads, High School and CTE Coordinators and Counselors
To continue to administer and report on Vermont Dual Enrollment, Fast Forward, and Early College programs, we are asking you, or your designee, to review and complete the FY26 Partnership Agreement memos and forms, located on the Dual Enrollment and Early College webpages. The appropriate program memos for operating and non-operating districts should be read prior to submitting the accompanying form by February 14, 2025. Links to the partnership agreement forms that need to be completed are contained within.
Contact: Amy Dodge, Student Pathways, at AOE.DualEnrollment@vermont.gov
Vermont Multi-Tiered Systems of Support Office Hours
Audience: Principals, Superintendents, SU/SD Administrators, MTSS Coordinators and Leadership Teams
Please join the VTmtss Office Hours, facilitated by the Agency of Education Vermont Multi-tiered System of Supports (VTmtss) Team. The series will focus on VTmtss updates, tools, processes, and systems to support the field, and will be held every third Thursday from 3-4 p.m. The upcoming Office Hour will be held on February 20, 2025. This informal session provides a supportive space for educators to gather and share VTmtss strategies, explore best practices, and engage in conversations about how to implement and scale VTmtss for systemic change in educational systems. Please register for VTmtss Office Hours to receive information on how to join.
Contact: Meghan "MJ" Jaird at meghan.jaird@vermont.gov
Physical Education Proficiency-based Graduation Requirement Hierarchy
Audience: Superintendents, Curriculum Directors, Principals, Instructional Coaches, and Educators
The Agency of Education has released the Physical Education Proficiency-based Graduation Requirement (PBGR) Hierarchy. This hierarchy serves as a foundation for the implementation of the standards adopted by the Vermont State Board of Education, Local Comprehensive Assessment Systems, flexible pathways, and personalized learning plans. Since considerable time and effort toward developing proficiency-based learning systems has already taken place across the state, this work is intended to serve as a resource for SUs/SDs to consider as they reflect on key concepts and skills that students should develop within physical education. Professional learning on the hierarchy is forthcoming.
Contact: Ian Burfoot-Rochford, ian.burfoot-rochford@vermont.gov
Functional Behavioral Assessment & Student Support Plan (FBA/SSP)
Audience: Educators, School Leadership Teams, Support Staff
This two-part training will focus on systems needed to develop the capacity to conduct FBA/SSPs and practical approaches to developing effective FBAs and SSPs. This training will be held on Tuesday, March 11th, and Tuesday, April 8th, 2025, at the Best Western Plus Waterbury, 45 Blush Hill Rd, Waterbury Village. Join us!
Contact: Anne Dubie at Anne.Dubie@uvm.edu