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Weekly Field Memo: Recent News and Items of Interest From the Agency

February 6, 2025
A Weekly Field Memo title graphic indicating the week of publication: February 6, 2025

Contents: February 6, 2025

AOE's Ruth Durkee Nominated for National Award

Audience: Education Professionals, CTE Educators

AOE State Director of Career Technical Education, Ruth Durkee, is one of two recipients of the prestigious Heart and Hope Award, presented by the National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity, a consortium of state and local agencies, corporations, and national organizations, providing professional development, technical assistance, research and evaluation, and advocacy, to help increase student access, educational equity, and workforce diversity in the educational field. 

Contact: Lindsey Hedges at

Vermont Presidential Scholars Video

Audience: Education Professionals, General Public

Last week a number of impressive Vermont high school seniors were honored at a ceremony at the statehouse for having been recognized as Presidential Scholars. Presidential scholars are recognized in three categories: general, arts, and career technical education. Secretary of Education, Zoie Saunders, presented the awards, and AOE staff was there with a camera. Watch the short video about the ceremony.

Contact: Sigrid Olson at

Holocaust Education Professional Development: March 19, 2025

Audience: Administrators, Curriculum Directors, Middle and High School Educators, AEL Instructors, CTE Educators

The Vermont Holocaust Memorial is offering their annual professional development workshop in Montpelier on Wednesday, March 19, 2025. "Teaching the Holocaust using the Humanities: Integrating Photographs, Literature, Art, and Poetry to Tell the Human Story" will give educators strategies to integrate multiple primary sources into Holocaust instruction with a focus on the human experience. This professional development opportunity will be facilitated by Echoes & Reflections. Seats are limited. Registration and more information is available on the Vermont Holocaust Memorial Website.”

Contact: Martha Deiss at 

Winter Issue of Literary Learning: Vermont’s Newsletter for English Language Arts Educators

AudienceEnglish Language Arts and Literacy Teachers, Literacy Coaches, Interventionists

The winter issue of the quarterly newsletter, Literary Learning, is now available. This issue contains an article about key takeaways from the National Council of Teachers of English annual convention and an update on Read Vermont screening guidance, as well as resources and information about upcoming professional offerings and opportunities. Be sure to subscribe to the Agency’s ELA email list in order to stay informed about ELA and literacy in Vermont. 

Contact: Emily Leute at 

Social Emotional Learning and Mental Health Well Being Web Page Updates

AudienceAll Educators and Families

We welcome you to explore new resources that have been added to the Agency’s Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and Mental Health Well Being web page. This quarter we are highlighting the Caledonia Central Supervisory Union and the Northeast Kingdom Human Services’ collaboration in their Project AWARE grant. In addition, new resources have been added to the Data Collection and Reporting, Resources and Tools for Educators, Resources for Families and Caregivers, and SEL and Health Standards topics.

Contact: Tracy Watterson at   

Save the Date for the 2025 BEST/VTmtss Summer Institute – June 23–26, 2025

AudienceSchool Teams, Educators, Administrators, Support Staff, SEL/MH Professionals

This year’s theme is "Shining Brighter Together: Igniting Passion, Well-being, and Joy in Education." The BEST/VTmtss Summer Institute offers an immersive experience for school teams, including educators, caregivers/family members, students, and community partners. This experience is thoughtfully designed to enhance skills and rejuvenate the approach to supporting social, emotional, and behavioral well-being within Vermont’s multi-tiered system of supports. Join us and Save the Date!

Contact: Anne Dubie at 

Mathematics in Vermont: The Newsletter for Vermont’s Mathematics Educators and Supporters

AudiencePreK-12 Mathematics Teachers, Coaches, Interventionists 

The latest issue of the mathematics newsletter, Mathematics in Vermont, is now available to read on the Agency of Education’s Mathematics webpage. In this newsletter, you will find information on blending explicit and direct instruction in the math classroom, a case study to watch from New Zealand using a blended approach, and ideas and suggestions for how to incorporate this approach by level (as well as a call for any examples from classrooms and schools in Vermont). Additionally, PAEMST winners are highlighted, and news and events are included for the winter and spring.

Contact: Rachael Ledwidge at 

K–3 Reading Screening Guidance Implementation: Addressing District Questions and Challenges

Audience: K-3 Educators, Administrators

On Tuesday, February 18, from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m., the AOE will be hosting a follow-up webinar related to the recently released guidance, Act 139 Review and Recommendations: K-3 Universal Screener. This webinar will focus on the practical implementation of K-3 reading screening, providing guidance and best practices for Vermont SU/SDs. Attendees are encouraged to submit questions ahead of time, allowing the AOE to address specific challenges and solutions tailored to district and school needs. Register here for the webinar.

Contact: Emily Lesh at   

Vermont Public: Ten Black Scientists That Science Teachers Should Know About

Audience: Vermont educators

From PBS Teacher’s Lounge, each week Vermont Public and PBS KIDS will share an engaging blog post for Black History Month that will inspire. Check out this week’s pick, 10 Black Scientists That Science Teachers Should Know About. Visit the Vermont Public Educators page for more recommendations for high-quality resources.

Contact: Emily Leute at

Explicit Vocabulary Instruction: Read Vermont Workshop Series

Audience: Pk-12 and beyond educators and administrators 

Join Read Vermont's Explicit Vocabulary Instruction Workshop on Wednesday, February 12, from 3:30-5:50 p.m. During this interactive workshop presented by the Stern Center, participants will learn evidence-based methods to teach new words, how to determine which new words to teach and practical techniques for integrating vocabulary instruction across content areas and grade levels. Attendees will leave with strategies and tools to intentionally and explicitly teach vocabulary to increase students’ reading comprehension. Register today and learn more on the Read Vermont webpage.

Contact: Emily Lesh at


2024-2025 Family Engagement Networking Series   

Audience: Family Engagement Coordinators and Liaisons, School and District Administrators, Community Organization Personnel, School Counselors    

Please join the 2024-2025 Family Engagement Networking Series: Family Engagement as a Strategy for Improving Belonging and Well-Being. The upcoming session is called "Supporting Families and Students Experiencing Homelessness," and will be held on February 13, 2025, from 1–2 p.m. Katy Preston, State Coordinator for the Education for Homeless Children and Youth Program, will share considerations, rights, and support for families including an overview of Vermont's Education for Homeless Children and Youth program, and Title IV considerations. These are informal monthly virtual sessions, facilitated by the AOE Vermont Multi-Tiered System of Supports Team, for family engagement colleagues to connect, hear updates, and share strategies regarding family engagement.   

Contact: Nancy Hellen at 

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The field memo has time-sensitive and relevant information designed for students, teachers, and staff. The agency encourages principals, headmasters, and superintendents to share the memo with their education community. Additionally, individuals can subscribe or unsubscribe online.

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