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Special Education Reports

Annual Performance Reports

Each state is required to report annually on the progress of the state on each indicator contained in the State Performance Plan (SPP). These Annual Performance Reports contain progress data as measured against the SPP targets.

2024 Annual Performance Report

Vermont’s 2024 Determination from Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) - The U. S. Department of Education's (Department) 2024 determination for Vermont under sections 616 of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

2023 Annual Performance Report

Vermont’s 2023 Determination from Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) - The U. S. Department of Education's (Department) 2023 determination for Vermont under sections 616 of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) 

2022 Annual Performance Report

Vermont’s 2022 Determination from Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) - The U. S. Department of Education's (Department) 2022 determination for Vermont under sections 616 of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

2021 Annual Performance Report

Vermont’s 2021 Determination from Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) - The U. S. Department of Education's (Department) 2021 determination for Vermont under sections 616 of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

2020 Annual Performance Report

Vermont’s 2020 Determination from Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) - The U. S. Department of Education's (Department) 2020 determination for Vermont under sections 616 of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

Previous Years' Annual Performance Reports

Local Annual Performance Reports

In addition to the state-wide data available in the APR, the agency provides Local Annual Performance Reports for each supervisory union and supervisory district for 14 of the indicators contained in the SPP. These reports are published annually each May (after the previous school year) and have been designed to meet the local reporting requirements of  Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA).

Assessment Reports

View information on how students performed on state assessment tests for English Language Arts and Math or for Science.

View information on Special Education students who participated in the Smarter Balanced Math and English Language Arts assessments

Special Education Child Count Data Reports

The Child Count data collection reflects the status of children with disabilities eligible for services under the IDEA on December 1 of each year. The data are collected at the supervisory union level, according to state and federal statute and regulations. The collection includes demographic information, as well as information regarding placement (educational environment), educational location (facility) and compliance indicators (Individual Education Plans (IEP’s) and evaluations completed on time).

Counts and percentages are reported by disability, educational environment, gender, grade group and race/ethnicity in the tables below. Grades have been grouped together to avoid suppressing data as much as possible. Vermont is now required to include race/ethnicity data with publicly reported Child Count data; race/ethnicity data prior to the 12/1/2014 Child Count is not available. Counts that are less than 11 have been suppressed in order to prevent the identification of individual students. Suppressed data are represented by "***" in these tables. 

Special Education Personnel Data

The Agency of Education annually collects the number of full-time equivalent (FTE) personnel who are employed or contracted to provide special education and related services to children with disabilities served under the IDEA. This information is reported to the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) and is used to help the Agency of Education determine the extent of special education personnel shortages.

Special Education Cost Report

Special Education Cost Report includes average daily membership (ADM), child count and special education formula expenditures by a supervisory union. It also calculates child count as a percentage of average daily membership and special education formula expenditures per ADM. The spreadsheet is also  used to determine high and low spending supervisory unions in accordance with 16 VSA §2974. High spending is defined as spending at least 20 percent more than the statewide average of special education (formula) eligible costs per average daily membership. Please note that the spreadsheet does not reflect resubmission of data by supervisory unions after they are notified of their high-spending status.

State Systemic Improvement Plan

The Agency of Education has released the report on Phase III of the State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP), as required by OSEP. In previous filings, Vermont described the rationale for choosing the Statewide Identified Measurable Result which is to improve proficiency of math performance for students identified as having an emotional disturbance in grades 3, 4 and 5. This Phase III report describes any revisions to previous submissions in Phases I (2015) and II (2016) as well as the collaborative efforts required to further the SSIP work. The Vermont Agency of Education continues its focus on developing a continuum of supports for all students in Vermont schools utilizing an academic and behavioral Multi-tiered System of Support to ensure there is a well-defined universal core program, tailored intensive instruction, and a response to interventions for students.

For more about the SSIP.

For questions regarding the SSIP, please email Abigale Stannard, SSIP Coordinator


Email Cassidy Canzani or call (802) 828-0515.

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