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Career Technical Education

Career and Technical Education (CTE) is learning that works for Vermont. CTE is helping our state and our nation meet the very real and immediate challenges of economic development, student achievement and global competitiveness. CTE is developing Vermont's most valuable resource—its people; helping them gain the skills, technical knowledge, academic foundation and real-world experience they need to prepare for high skill, high demand, high wage careers—and keep Vermont working—in every sense of the word. 

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Learning that works for Vermont.

The CTE staff at the Agency provide technical assistance and support for program improvement, new program design, state and federal grant compliance and high school transformation initiatives related to CTE. The CTE team works with secondary schools and regional career centers to develop rigorous and relevant programs that help learners identify and pursue their career and life goals. Secondary, postsecondary and adult technical education courses are provided through regional career centers, comprehensive high schools and colleges. The state is required by 16 V.S.A. § 1531 to oversee career technical education, to ensure that academic education is included in programs of study, to make it accessible to adult and high school students and to coordinate activities and programs with workforce development efforts. The agency meets these responsibilities and supports continuous improvement in career technical education by:

  • Establishing high learning standards that incorporate academic and occupational competencies with 21st century skill standards;
  • Developing student assessments that validate student learning to provide smooth transitions to careers and college;
  • Supporting the upgrade of programs to provide students with skills leading to high skill, high wage and high demand careers;
  • Providing professional development for faculty to stay current with new approaches to instructional strategies, technological developments in business and industry; and
  • Developing collaborative relationships between educators, business/industry stakeholders, students and community members.

Who may participate?

In Vermont, a person is entitled to enroll in and complete a CTE program if the following criteria are met:

  • The individual is a Vermont resident of any age; and
  • The individual is at least in the 11th grade in a graded school, or is at least 16 in a non-graded situation; and
  • The individual does not have a high school diploma; and
  • The individual applies for the program; and
  • The individual meets the admissions criteria set forth in the admissions policies of the technical center and the technical education program; and
  • The individual is accepted in the program.

CTE Courses for Adults 

Regional career technical education (CTE) centers offer courses specifically for adults as well. Adults can upskill and reskill at regional career technical centers. Classes often meet in the evening or on weekends and focus on certificates or licenses needed to advance in the workplace. For a list of upcoming classes and funding partners please visit the Vermont Adult Career & Technical Education Association's website

Where is it?

Career technical education is provided statewide through 15 service regions. Each service region is served by a technical center(s) and/or comprehensive high school(s). School districts and independent high schools are assigned to a technical education service region.