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2024-2025 21st CCLC Grant Final Competition Results

June 17, 2024
The 2024-2025 (FY25) 21CCLC grant competition received 12 applications totaling a request for $4,200,000 annually to fund up to 59 full comprehensive centers in Vermont’s neediest communities (See 21C RFP-pages 4-5). Approximately $3,200,000 was available for the FY25 competition, to be dispersed annually starting on July 1, 2024. This competition, like so many before, received high-quality proposals eligible for funding. Based on available federal funding, eight projects representing 46 sites will be funded. Fundable applications included 26 returning afterschool and summer sites and 18 newly funded sites. The proposed new sites have an average free and reduced lunch (FRL) rate of approximately 70% and returning sites have an average (FRL) rate of approximately 65% percent.

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