Per H.969 of 2020, Sec. B.1120.1, a Task Force for Universal Afterschool Access was created to consider and make recommendations on the framework for, the costs of, and related long-term funding sources for access to universal afterschool programs.
Taskforce Charges
- Map existing afterschool programs and highlight gaps in access and equity, including equity for Vermonters with disabilities;
- Recommend, as part of the framework, best practices and key evidence-based strategies to maximize health and substance abuse prevention and shall consult with the Substance Misuse Prevention and Advisory Council;
- Consider the report entitled “Closing the Gap in Vermont: The Expanded Learning Opportunities (ELO) Special Fund,” dated November 2015, issued by the Working Group on Expanded Learning Opportunities of Vermont’s PreK–16 Council;
- Review the status and results of the Afterschool for All Grant Program administered by DCF;
- In exploring funding sources, the Task Force shall prefer solutions that do not draw upon the State’s Education Fund and shall explore the possibility of using potential revenue from the taxation and regulation of cannabis; and
- Submit a written report to the Governor and the House and Senate Committees on Education with its findings and recommendations on or before April 15, 2021.
Task Force Background
Task Force for Universal Afterschool Access - Member List
Task Force for Universal Afterschool Access Final Report
Meeting: May 3, 2021
May 3, 2021: Agenda
May 3, 2021: Draft Meeting Minutes
Meeting: March 29, 2021
March 29, 2021: Agenda
March 29, 2021: Draft Meeting Minutes
Meeting: March 8, 2021
March 8, 2021: Agenda
March 8, 2021: Draft Meeting Minutes
March 8, 2021: Draft Report
Meeting: February 10, 2021
February 10, 2021: Agenda
February 10, 2021: Draft Meeting Minutes
February 10, 2021: Outline for Report Considerations
February 10, 2021: Overview of Substance Use Prevention, Treatment and Recovery in Vermont
Meeting: January 25, 2021
January 25, 2021 - Agenda
January 25, 2021 - Draft Meeting Minutes
January 25, 2021 - 21CCLC - Community-based Afterschool Presentation by Jess DeCarolis
January 25, 2021 - Task Force for Universal Afterschool Access - Draft Report Section on Priorities
January 25, 2021 - Vermont Afterschool for All Program Presentation by Melissa Riegel-Garrett
January 25, 2021 - 21CCLC Lessons Learned by Jess DeCarolis
Meeting: January 5, 2021
Janaury 5, 2021 - Agenda
January 5, 2021 - Draft Meeting Minutes
January 5, 2021 - Overview of Meeting Materials
Meeting: December 14, 2020
December 14, 2020 - Agenda
December 14, 2020 - Draft Minutes
December 14, 2020 - Approved Minutes