Contents: March 13, 2025
- Request for Public Comments on Proposed Change to Vermont's State Perkins Plan
- School Behavioral Threat Assessment Updates and Information
- Vermont Public: Civics Resources
- Parent and Family Engagement Training Session
- Online and Beyond Learning Conference 2025 | Elevating Voices of Tomorrow: Shaping the Future of Education
- Proficiency-Based Graduation Requirement Hierarchies Video Guides
Request for Public Comments on Proposed Change to Vermont's State Perkins Plan
Audience: Superintendents, CTE Directors, Principals, CTE Educators, Others
The Vermont Agency of Education seeks public comments on proposed changes to Vermont's State Perkins Plan. The period for public comment is from Thursday, March 6, 2025, through Friday, April 4, 2025, at 4:30 p.m. You can read the existing language and the proposed new language and access the public comment form on the AOE website.
Contact: Ruth Durkee at ruth.durkee@vermont.gov
School Behavioral Threat Assessment Updates and Information
Audience: current and prospective school BTA team members
Last month, Superintendents and Heads of School were notified of several updates regarding AOE-provided Behavioral Threat Assessment (BTA) resources. Those resources include the AOE model policy for BTA teams, information about the new statewide BTA consultant team, open BTA office hours, and more. Please see the AOE BTA website for more information and please pass along to any current or prospective BTA team members in your school/district.
Contact: Michele Hartje at michele.hartje@vermont.gov
Vermont Public: Civics Resources
Audience: Vermont educators
Civics Learning Week begins on March 10. Check out Vermont Public and PBS LearningMedia Civic Learning resources from PreK-Grade 12. For grades PreK-5, check out Civics for Kids: Building Tomorrow Together. For grades 6-12, enjoy the Civics Collection or turn to the Civics Citizen’s Guide to Preserving Democracy. Free resources are already connected to our C3 Standards. Visit the Vermont Public Educators page for more recommendations for high-quality resources.
Contact: Emily Leute at emily.leute@vermont.gov
Parent and Family Engagement Training Session
Audience: Pathway (D) Participants, New teachers to the State, Newly Licensed Teachers and Graduates, Special Education Endorsement Candidates, General Education Teachers, High School Special Education Teachers, Educational Support Teams (EST) Members, Evaluation Team Members, Related Service Providers, Interventionists
This training will focus on regulations and best practice related to Parent Participation in IEP Meeting and Parent Input. Participants will also review the Parent Involvement Survey and recent Vermont data related to the percentage of parents who reported that their schools facilitated parent involvement. The training will be led by Caitlin Chisholm, Ana Russo and Nancy Hellen, and will take place on March 25, 2025, from 1-2 p.m. and on March 27, 2025, from 11 a.m.-12 p.m. The same training will be repeated on both dates, so you only need to attend one. Please register for Parent and Family Engagement Training.
Contact: Caitlin Chisholm at caitlin.chisholm@vermont.gov
Online and Beyond Learning Conference 2025 | Elevating Voices of Tomorrow: Shaping the Future of Education
Audience: Principals, Educators, and School Counselors
The Vermont Virtual Learning Cooperative (VTVLC) will hold its annual Online and Beyond Learning Conference on April 10 and 11 at the Stoweflake Mountain Resort. Connect with colleagues from around the state and explore great sessions on innovative teaching methods, the future of education, CTE, and Navigating Phones in Schools. A keynote address from Smita Ruzicka, Ph.D., the Vice President of Student Affairs at Middlebury College, will be part of the Conference. Educators can earn 6 hours of PD for each day of attendance! View the schedule or register here.
Contact: Kelsey Christensen at kchristensen@vtvlc.org
Proficiency-Based Graduation Requirement Hierarchies Video Guides
Audience: Educators, Curriculum Directors, Principals, Superintendents
The AOE has published two video tutorials explaining the Proficiency-Based Graduation Requirement (PBGR) hierarchies. The first video is an introduction to PBGR hierarchies, and the second video, Understanding the Components of Proficiency-Based Graduation Requirement Hierarchies, gives further insight into the development of the PBGR hierarchies and how these hierarchies fit within the larger framework. The video also highlights how the PBGR hierarchies can be used to support equitable learning opportunities for all students and the connections to transferable skills.
Contact: Kathryn Rossman at kathryn.rossman@vermont.gov