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Behavioral Threat Assessment (BTA)

Legislative Requirements for School BTA

Act 29 of 2023 codified Behavioral Threat Assessment (BTA) into state law and elevated the importance of using evidence-based models to promote positive school climate and mitigate potential violence in schools. Please see this page for all AOE-provided BTA information, resources, and updates. For further questions, please contact Michele Hartje ( 

Model Policy: Behavioral Threat Assessment Teams 

This policy is not meant to replace school or district-level procedures, or to act as a detailed instruction guide for use of School BTA Teams. School and district policies should reflect the regulatory purpose of, or limits to, the School BTA Team and must be adopted by the local school or district board. 

BTA Best Practices Guide - Coming April 2025

BTA Model Procedures - Coming April 2025

Required Reporting

The online BTA Data Reporting Form has been updated to collect a minimum subset of data from existing BTA Teams for school years 23-24 and 24-25. SD/SU and schools who have already reported data for SY23-24 and SY24-25 do not need to resubmit. All others are required to submit this form by June 30, 2025. Contact Taylor Goodwin at with any technical issues or questions about BTA Data Reporting. Thank you to those Superintendents and other partners who contributed to revisions to this data collection. These data are critical to ensuring the intentional deployment of resources to support BTA teams.   

Required Trainings

Upcoming AOE-provided Trainings-coming Spring/Summer 2025 

Act 29 provides the following requirements for annual training:

(1) Each supervisory union, supervisory district, and approved or recognized independent school shall ensure behavioral threat assessment team members receive training at least annually in best practices of conducting behavioral threat assessments, as well as bias training. The annual training shall include the following topics:

(A) the rules governing exclusionary discipline, Agency of Education, Pupils (CVR 22-000-009);

(B) the purpose, use, and proper implementation of the manifestation determination review process;

(C) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 U.S.C. § 794; the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, 42 U.S.C. § 12101 et seq.; and other civil rights laws;

(D) the negative consequences of exclusion from school;

(E) the impact of trauma on brain development; and

(F) group bias training, specifically focused on bias in carrying out the duties of the behavioral threat assessment team.

The AOE is responsible for providing guidance and resources to support this annual training. In past years, the AOE and VT School Safety Center have provided contracted delivery of introductory school BTA training. The next iteration of training will be revised to achieve the full scope of requirements as noted above and is currently out for bid. SUs may choose to select other trainings at their discretion, so long as the training meets the above requirements. BTA team members must have taken training prior to beginning assessment work.

Other BTA Resources

BTA Team Office Hours

Available on Tuesdays from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm and Thursdays from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm for questions and guidance from the BTA Consultants about the BTA policies and procedures, process tools, best practices, previous BTA case review, or readiness activities to prepare a BTA Team, including prospective team members.

BTA Team Consultation On-call Support 

Available to BTA team members who have questions about active BTA incidents, time-sensitive inquiries, or complex case management. On-call support is meant to supplement your existing BTA procedures and is not a replacement for school or district team processes. BTA team members may access on-call support by phone at (281) 220-1749, and a consultant will respond within 24-48 hours. Whenever possible, BTA teams should continue their assessment while awaiting consultant response. In the event of an emergency or imminent threat of violence, this service is not a replacement for 9-1-1 emergency support. On-call support is not meant to be used to address general questions – see information on office hours. Field partners seeking on-call support should be active BTA team members and will need to verify their school or district when calling. 

Supplemental Materials

BTA Program Checklist - Coming March 2025

Vermont School Safety Center - Supplemental BTA Resources

Archived BTA Resources:

Memo: Draft Model Policy, Act 29 Behavioral Threat Assessment Teams

Model Policy: Behavioral Threat Assessment Teams