Throughout the pandemic, the Agency of Education (AOE) has provided guidance, information, and resources for Vermont school systems. This work has been conducted in coordination and partnership with the Vermont Department of Health and other State of Vermont agencies, and with our partners in the field. COVID-19 resources included on this page include educational resources, health and safety information, fiscal guidance and COVID-19 response programs like surveillance testing and vaccination.
PLEASE NOTE: As of June 15, 2021, Vermont’s COVID-19 State of Emergency has ended. AOE guidance issued under the authority of the Governor’s Emergency Order has been rescinded as of that date. Much of this guidance has been preserved for reference purposes, but is no longer in effect. For current public health recommendations related to schools, please see Recommendations and Considerations for Vermont Schools.
Education Recovery
Updated Advisory Memo: Recommendations for Contact Tracing (9/23/21)
COVID-19 Staff Surveillance Testing Webpage
Memo: Calculating A School's Vaccination Rate (8/27/21)
Memo: COVID-19 Contact Tracing for Fall 2021 (8/20/21)
COVID-19 Surveillance Testing Webpage
Memo: School District Authority to Require Masks (8/18/21)
Memo: COVID-19 Prevention Measures for Fall 2021 (8/5/21)
COVID-19 Education Recovery Framework and Toolkit
Education Recovery: School Construction
Memo: Use of ESSER Funds to Support Regional CTE Centers (7/13/21)
Memo: Career Technical Education Recovery Planning Guidance (5/6/21)
Vermont Career Techincal Education Recovery Plan Template (Word Document) PDF Version (5/6/21)
Guidance: Education Recovery No. 1 (2/26/21)
A Strong and Healthy Year
Instructional Operations for Fall 2021 (5/28/21)
Memo: COVID-19 Prevention Recommendations for the End of the School Year (5/28/21)
A Strong and Healthy Year: Safety and Health Guidance for Vermont Schools (Updated 4/8/21)
Financial Guidance
COVID-19 Federal Emergency Funds - Overview information, updates, applications, reporting and deadlines for the CARES Act (GEER, CRF and ESSER), CRRSA (ESSER II, GEER II, GEER EANS and Child Nutrition) and FEMA.
School Construction with Federal Funds Guidance (6/28/21)
Agency of Education COVID-19-Related Financial Guidance (updated 5/27/21)
Memo: ARP ESSER Phase 1 Application for SU/SDs (5/24/21)
Payment of Special Education Personnel and Contracted Services During School Closure due to COVID-19 (5/13/21)
FEMA Eligibility Guidance (5/11/21)
Memo: Reimbursement for ESSER I Equitable Services (4/9/21)
Memo: ESSER II Application for SU/SDs (3/22/21)
ESSER II Fiscal Guidance (3/22/21)
Memo: American Rescue Plan Act Overview (3/22/21)
Federal Education Funding Planning Guidance (Updated 3/22/21)
Equitable Services to Independent Schools Under ESSER: FAQ (Updated 12/1/20)
Draft Vermont ARP ESSER State Plan Available for Public Comment
School Nutrition Operations and P-EBT
P-EBT Frequently Asked Questions for Schools (2/9/21)
Instructions for Determining Eligibility for P-EBT (2/3/21)
Frequently Asked Questions about Pandemic EBT 2020-21 School Year (co-issued with DCF 1/28/21)