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Memo: Count of State-Placed Students Data Collection (Corrected)

July 3, 2024

CORRECTION: The previous version of this memo, issued June 10, 2024, mistakenly labeled ineligible line entries (on page 2) as “eligible line entries.” The memo also stated that a report of state placed students is available on the AOE website. These errors have been corrected below.

We regret the errors.

State-placed students generate their Average Daily Membership (ADM) through state placed student data reporting. The State-Placed Students Count Form FY-2024 is due July 15, 2024. Every public school must submit a report. This report form and the definitions of SPS are also on the Agency of Education’s (AOE) Interagency Coordination page.

The SPS Count increases the ADM reported on the fall census and increases your town’s weighted pupil count. Along with education spending, weighted pupils factor into the homestead education tax rate. Your town’s education tax rate could be lower for the same level of spending if the number of weighted pupils increases due to state-placed students listed on the SPS Count report.

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