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Facilities and Construction

School Construction Aid

The School Construction Aid Program is currently under suspension by the Vermont State Legislature. Only approved emergency projects are currently eligible for school construction aid assistance. Additional information about the current status of school facilities can be found in the School Facilities and Construction Dashboard. 

Emergency Construction Aid

Per  Title 16, V.S.A. §3448 (d), school construction projects under $100,000 that are necessary to address immediate health and safety threats to students and employees created by unanticipated circumstances or events may be eligible for 30 percent school construction aid. 

Vermont School Construction Planning Guide

The purpose of this guide is to provide general guidance in planning for school construction projects and securing necessary state approvals. The contents are relevant to the construction of a new school, school addition, or alterations to an existing school that increases its program or enrollment capacity, or ensures that it remains a safe and healthy place for students, faculty and community members.

Vermont School Construction Planning Guide

Construction Planning Guide and Standards for Technical Education Centers

This guide is designed to help school boards, administrators and governing boards through the process of planning and pursuing a technical education construction project. It is to be used in conjunction with applicable construction standards governing technical center construction and State Board of Education Rules for Capital Construction. It is not intended to be used in isolation or to supersede any other agency rules for school construction. Specific rules of state agencies that apply to school construction are beyond the scope of this document.

Construction Planning Guide and Standards for Technical Education Centers

Excess Spending Exclusion

Per Title 16 16 V.S.A. §4001(6)(B)(i) the costs of certain school construction projects may be eligible to exclude from  the calculation for excess spending. Districts that wish to exclude school construction costs from the calculation must apply using the application below and receive written approval from the Agency of Education prior to beginning construction.

Excess Spending Exclusion Application

School Facility Information