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Weekly Field Memo: Recent News and Items of Interest From the Agency

March 6, 2025
A Weekly Field Memo title graphic indicating the week of publication: March 6, 2025

Contents: March 6, 2025

Award Opportunity: VT Lottery Educate Innovate Award

Audience: Superintendents, Principals, Technology Directors, Curriculum Directors, Educators, Librarians

Through a partnership with the Vermont Lottery, AOE announces the 2025 round of a competitive award program that seeks to further school education technology programs. Proposals should showcase a practical and deliberate use of technology for increasing student engagement and to support student-centered learning. This program aims to support educators from all content areas to create connections between students and curriculum content using technology. Two schools will receive awards of $15,000 each. The deadline to apply is March 30, 2025. Obtain an award application at the AOE's Education Technology page

Contact: Lisa Helme at 

March Vermont Multi-Tiered Systems of Support Office Hours 

Audience: Principals, Superintendents, SU/SD Administrators, Educators, MTSS Coordinators

This VTmtss Office Hours will focus on building systemic capacity through the second VTmtss Framework Component: Effective Collaboration (EC). This session will highlight examples of specific practices to foster trust, elevate expertise, and develop common language to build systemic capacity. Participants will explore strengths and opportunities for effective collaboration in their own educational systems and broader community (including families and external partners) and will identify at least one action step to bring back to their teams. Please register for VTmtss Office Hours to receive information on how to join.

Contact:  Meghan "MJ" Jaird at 

2024-2025 Family Engagement Networking Series   

Audience: Family Engagement Coordinators and Liaisons, School and District Administrators, Curriculum Coordinators, Community Organization Personnel   

Please join the 2024-2025 Family Engagement Networking Series: Family Engagement as a Strategy for Improving Belonging and Well-Being. The March 13, 2025 session is called Engaging Families in Student Learning, and will run from 1-2 p.m. We will focus on strategies to strengthen the partnership of schools and families to support students’ learning and development.​ Emily Lesh will share strategies from READ Vermont, an initiative dedicated to improving literacy outcomes for all students. These are informal monthly virtual sessions for family engagement colleagues to connect, hear updates, and share strategies regarding family engagement. The sessions are facilitated by the AOE Vermont Multi-Tiered System of Supports (VTmtss) Team. 

Contact: Nancy Hellen at  

Registration is now open for the 2025 BEST/VTmtss Summer Institute 

Audience: Educators, Support Staff, School Teams, Principals, SEL Professionals

Registration is now open for the 2025 BEST/VTmtss Summer Institute. This year’s theme is Shining Brighter Together: Igniting Passion, Well-being, and Joy in Education. This experience is thoughtfully designed to enhance skills and rejuvenate the approach to supporting social, emotional, and behavioral well-being within Vermont’s multi-tiered system of supports.

Contact: Anne Dubie at 

Collaborative Pathways: Personalizing Learning Together 2024-2025 Series Session 2 

Audience: Curriculum Directors, School Counselors, Flexible Pathway Coordinators, PLP Coordinators 

The Personalized Learning Team at the VT AOE can partner with your district to help develop, update, and/or implement your curriculum, personalized learning plans, flexible pathways, and more. We’re holding another virtual set of “open houses” on Thursday, March 20, for you to chat with PL Team members, discuss your local needs, and see how we can help.   

We have scheduled two sessions to best accommodate scheduling demands. The content for each session is the same and interested staff need only attend one of the meetings. 

  • Meeting Invite for Thursday, March 20 from 9:30 – 10:30: 

Collaborative Pathways Session 2: 9:30AM 

  • Meeting Invite for Thursday, March 20 from 3:00 – 4:00: 

Collaborative Pathways Session 2: 3:00PM 

Contacts: Ryan Parkman (Flexible Pathways, Virtual/Blended Learning),; Amy Dodge (Flexible Pathways, Dual Enrollment, Early College) ; Sigrid Olson (Curriculum and Instruction, Personalized Learning Plans)

Funding Opportunity and Grant Application: Adult Education and Literacy Services

Audience: Eligible organizations to provide adult education and literacy services

Under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Title II, the Vermont Agency of Education requests applications from eligible organizations and entities to implement Adult Education and Literacy activities in Vermont during the July 1, 2025 to June 30, 2028 grant period. Applicant workshops will be held March 6, 2025 and March 10, 2025. More information and materials may be found on the AOE’s Adult Education webpage. Deadline to submit applications is April 25, 2025.

Contact: Robin Castle at

Vermont Public: Resources for Women’s History Month

Audience: Vermont Educators, Grades K-8 Educators

It is Women’s History Month. For grades K-2, enjoy the Marie Curie | Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum collection and resources from Vermont Public found in PBS LearningMedia. Or go to the Fearless Female Scientists | Spot on Science collection for grades 3-8. Visit the Vermont Public Educators page for more recommendations for high-quality resources.

Contact: Emily Leute at 


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