The Agency's Educational Technology program works to provide guidance in policy and practice related to the use of education technology within Vermont’s local educational agencies (LEAs). Some of the areas of focus include providing vision on sound education technology practices through digital learning plans, leveraging broadband acquisition, providing information on E-rate and other federal funding programs, bringing opportunities for expanded learning with technology to schools, keeping schools abreast of promising trends and maintaining a sound working relationship with educators on the local level. A noted focus is on providing opportunities for ways technology can support aspects of Act 77, an Act related to providing flexible pathways for learning for all students.
- Annual Technology Survey
- Computer Science Teachers Association Vermont
- Cybersecurity Resources
- Digital Learning Plans
- E-Rate: Affordable Broadband for Schools and Libraries
- Educate Innovate Initiative with the Vermont Lottery
- Interoperability and School Platforms
- Open Education Resources
- State Education Technology Directors Association
- Student Data Privacy
- Technology Standards for Students
Digital Learning Plans
In 2018, AOE produced a planning guide for creating a digital learning plan. Digital learning plans can assist supervisory unions and school districts in crafting and delivering a vision for how technology will support learning for all students. With input from the education community, AOE created a draft Vermont Statewide 2018-2021 Digital Learning Plan document. This draft includes recommendations on how to create a digital learning plan and provides other resources.
Local digital learning plans are no longer required by the state or other entities. However, it is suggested that supervisory unions and school districts create a digital learning plan that will focus on local needs and less about compliance to any state-level request. The recommendation for a local level digital learning plan is an amendment to the previous technology plan requirement. The Agency of Education still sees value in having supervisory unions and school districts create and submit a three-year plan for how technology will support learning. These new plans should be on a three-year cycle to keep abreast of the rapidly changing landscape in education technology. If your SU/SD decides to draft a local digital learning plan and you need support, please contact Lisa Helme at
Interoperability and School Platforms
The COVID-19 pandemic caused many school districts to rely on learning platforms to a degree they had never engaged with before. As part of education recovery efforts, Vermont SU/SDs may have implemented platforms that now pose interoperability challenges as educators and administrators attempt to efficiently utilize these systems. This AOE advisory on interoperability has information and resources as a guide to address interoperability challenges. The intent is to provide basic information and facilitate productive conversations on school platforms, data standards and vetting educational products for interoperability.
Technology Standards for Students
The Vermont State Board of Education adopted the International Society for Technology Education (ISTE) Standards for Student Learning. The adoption of this framework is aligned with the state’s Education Quality Standards. These standards outline what Vermont students should know and be able to do with respect to information technology and will guide and inform the work of our schools as they prepare students for college and careers that have been dramatically transformed by information technology. These new and updated ISTE standards replace outdated standards and will help bring our education in line with innovations and best practice in the use of information technologies in schools.
Explore the Technology Standards for Learning on the ISTE website.
Student Data Privacy
The Vermont Agency of Education has partnered with the Student Data Privacy Consortium (SDPC), a collection of states that are building awareness around the important topic of keeping student (and parent) data secure in school environments. To that end, the SDPC has created a database of negotiated contracts between vendors of online services and local LEA’s. Vermont is an official partner of this consortium and has its own site where Vermont districts may join the effort and utilize the database. This work is specific to the disposition of data within apps or services that schools use online. Technology directors and heads of IT are invited to attend Vermont Student Privacy Alliance meetings. Courtesy of AOE, membership in the alliance by supervisory union or school district is free. To be added to the VSPA meeting notice list or for more information, contact Lisa Helme at
School Record Retention & Records Management
Annual Technology Survey
The Annual Technology Survey is required of all Vermont schools to collect important data about many aspects of the education technology landscape in our schools. Survey information is used by legislators and state and local policymakers. The survey gathers information about education technology in supervisory unions/districts and schools. The information is a tool AOE uses to determine how technology is supporting student-centered learning. The survey is commonly completed by the SU/SD technology director. The 2024 survey results are pending. The next survey for the 2024-2025 school term will be sent to SU/SDs in early summer.
Annual Technology Survey Results
- 2023 Annual Technology Survey Results
- 2022 Annual Technology Survey Results
- 2021 Annual Technology Survey Results
- 2020 Annual Technology Survey Results
- 2019 Annual Technology Survey Results
- 2018 Annual Technology Survey Results
- 2017 Annual Technology Survey Results
E-Rate: Affordable Broadband for Schools and Libraries
The Universal Service Program for schools and libraries, also known as the E-rate program, makes telecommunications and information services more affordable for schools and libraries in the United States. Mandated by Congress in 1996 and implemented by the Federal Communications Commission in 1997, the E-rate program provides discounted telecommunications, internet access, and internal connections to eligible schools and libraries. Funding comes from the Universal Service Fund. All schools are eligible and the amount of funding is related to the number of students enrolled in local free and reduced lunch programs.
State Education Technology Directors Association
The State Education Technology Directors Association (SETDA), has released a comprehensive resource meant to guide schools towards the implementation of digital learning across all grade levels. Personnel at the Agency of Education played a role in some of the resources and guidance provided by this resource. The AOE fully supports and encourages schools to look closely at the various sections within this resource to gain valuable insight in how to implement a digital learning solution at local schools.
Computer Science Teachers Association Vermont
CSTA Vermont was established as a local computer science community. This chapter was built to connect computer science teachers with each other, provide professional development to help instruction, and provide a local voice to the national computer science education community. More information on CSTA VT is available on their website. Questions? Contact Lisa Helme at
Cybersecurity Resources
Schools and school districts face a myriad of challenging hazards and threats. In addition to natural hazards, technological hazards, and biological hazards, they now have to prepare for human-caused cyber threats. These incidents can be accidental or deliberate and disrupt education and critical operations; expose sensitive personally identifiable information (PII) of students, teachers, and staff; and lead to high recovery costs. Schools and school districts can take a variety of actions to prevent, protect from, mitigate the effects of, respond to, and recover from cyber threats. Below are resources for you to consult in evaluating the cybersecurity preparedness of your education community.
- 2022 ESSER Cybersecurity Grant Awards
- School Cybersecurity
- Cybersecurity Breach Planning Rubric
- School Data Security Breaches & VT Law
- Cybersecurity for Schools Fact Sheet
- Cyber Safety Considerations for K-12 Schools and School Districts
- Data Privacy & Cybersecurity Training Resources
The following slide decks are from an October 2021 Cybersecurity training facilitated by AOE and the US DOE Privacy Technical Assistance Center. - US DOE Protecting Student Privacy
- CISA: Free Cybersecurity Services and Tools
Educate Innovate Initiative with the Vermont Lottery
Through a partnership with the Vermont Lottery, the Vermont Agency of Education offers a competitive award program that seeks to further school education technology programs. The program recognizes the practical and deliberate use of technology for increasing student engagement and learning in the creation of meaningful proficiency-based and personalized learning. This program supports educators from all content areas in creating connections between students and curriculum content using technology. Two schools receive awards of $15,000 each year. The funding for this program comes directly from Vermont Lottery program funds, not from lottery proceeds.
The 2024 winners of the Educate Innovate Initiative are Charleston Elementary School and the Northern Mountain Valley Unified Union School District. At Charleston, the award will enable the school to use technology to design and create environmental science signs and other supports for an outdoor restoration project. The purchase of a laser cutter will expand student usage of the school makerspace and enable students to create artifacts to support healthy plant growth and preserve bats and pollinators. The Northern Mountain Valley UUSD will use the award to provide new technology to PreK through 8th grade schools in Sheldon, Berkshire, Bakersfield, and Montgomery. The district will create comprehensive 3D design and printing programs at each of the schools and will weave 3D printing projects into the core curriculum. The Educate Innovate Award program will reopen for applications in February 2025.
Open Education Resources
The AOE is committed to supporting school districts and educators transitioning to the use of high-quality, openly licensed educational resources (OER) in their schools. In 2016, OER Commons was contracted by the AOE to help Vermont's education community collect, disseminate, and catalog Open Education Resources. Create an account at the OER Commons website and join the #VTOPEN group.
Please contact Rose Wheeler at, who will direct you to the appropriate AOE staff.