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Interagency Coordination

The interagency workgroup helps to coordinate services for students who are served by multiple agencies and collaborates with schools and human services agencies. 

State-placed Students

Students who are placed outside of their school district by a state agency or a licensed child placement agency, or who are residing in a program for pregnant and parenting women, or are placed in a residential treatment facility by a state agency are considered "state-placed."

Sometimes children need additional supports and services beyond what the school is providing. Act 264 is a law that ensures coordination of services for students with an emotional disability who are receiving services from more than one agency, for example their local school and the local Mental Health Clinic. With the reauthorization of the Interagency Agreement under IDEIA, the Agency of Human Services is seeking to extend the coordination of services to other populations of children it serves such as those who have a developmental disability or those in need of substance abuse treatment.

Coordinated Services Plan (CSP)

A Coordinated Services Plan is a written plan developed by a team for a child/youth who requires services from more than one agency.  It is designed to meet the needs of the child within his or her family or in an out-of-home placement, and in the school and the community.

Educational Stability, ESSA Foster Care Forms

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) highlights the need to provide Educational Stability for children in foster care.  These documents will provide local teams (schools and DCF staff) with the tools needed to promote Educational Stability for students in DCF custody.  

General Education Tuition Reimbursement Request for a State Placed Student

Vermont statute 16 V.S.A. § 4012 allows a school district to request reimbursement of direct tuition costs incurred for students who are considered state placed students by submitting tuition bills and documentation of payment to the Secretary of Education. Please email Cathy Scott with any questions about state placed student’s general education tuition reimbursement requests.

Special Services Request for Reimbursement & Billing Forms for a State-Placed Student Who is NOT Special Education Eligible

16 V.S.A. §2950(a) allows the Secretary of Education to grant reimbursement of non-special education funds for students who are considered State Placed Students (SPS). The Secretary may approve any costs incurred in educating a State Placed Student who is not eligible for special education that are incurred due to the special needs of the student, and, if approved the Secretary shall pay those costs. Presently, reimbursements for general education/State Placed Students costs are provided to school districts based on a prioritization of need and the continued availability of funds. If you need a form to submit reimbursement, please email Cathy Scott or call (802) 828-1584.

Count of State-Placed Students

IEP Calculation Sheet and District Special Education Program Calculation Sheet

Two worksheets have been prepared that school districts need to use when they are billing on Worksheet A for portions of their staff for specialized instruction for state-placed students and need to bill for more than the state allowed rate. One is for individual student services and one is for special education programs. Use this link for the Special Education Expenditure Report, instructions, and all other related forms. 

Residential Review

The Agency of Education's residential review process was created by statute to ensure that Individualized Education Program (IEP) teams considering residential placements for a student understand the full range of educational options available as early in the process as possible.

A school district must notify the Agency when it believes residential placement is being considered for inclusion in a student's IEP. The residential review process begins when a school district sends a notification form and copies of the most recent IEP and Comprehensive Evaluation.
