The Vermont State Board of Education Rules (Rule series 2200) governing independent schools provides four choices for Independent Schools:
- Approved Independent School: means an independent school that meets the requirements in Rule 2223 (requirements to operate an approved independent school), SBE Rule 2224 (Application), SBE Rule 2228 (tuition from public funds) and as well as section 2229 (approved to receive public tuition) and 2231 (written agreements). These schools are eligible to receive public tuition.
- Approved Independent School Ineligible to Receive Public Funds: means an independent school that meets the requirements in 2223 (requirements to operate an approved independent school) and SBE Rule 2224 (Application) but does not meet the requirements of rules concerning the delivery of special education services in SBE Rule 2229.
- Therapeutic Approved Independent School (or Therapeutic Independent School or Therapeutic School): means an independent school that meets the requirements in 2223 (requirements to operate an approved independent school) and SBE Rule 2224 (Application) but does not meet the requirements of rules concerning the delivery of special education services in SBE Rule 2229.
- Recognized Independent School: means an approved independent school that limits enrollment to students who are on an IEP or plan under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 U.S.C. § 794 and who are enrolled pursuant to a written agreement between an LEA and the school. These schools are eligible to receive public tuition, which is inclusive of both general and special education services and is at a rate approved by the Agency of Education.
The Vermont Approved and Recognized Independent School Directory contains contact information for approved and recognized independent schools in Vermont, as well as approved distance learning schools, tutorial programs, teen parent education programs and state operated facilities.
Approved Independent Schools
Independent School Approval Process
Approved Independent Schools apply under guidelines identified in 16 V.S.A. § 166 (b) and State Board Rules 2223–2227 and 2228. Upon receipt and review of an application, an individual(s) is identified to conduct an onsite visit and provide a written report of findings to the Agency of Education. This process includes receipt and review of an application, an onsite visit, and a report of findings/recommendation from the individual(s) conducting the onsite visit.
The process for initial approval and renewal of approval are the same. The State Board of Education has the ultimate authority for approval of independent schools.
Please be advised that a moratorium on opening new independent schools in Vermont was put in place by Vermont Legislature , effective 2022. This webpage will be regularly updated to reflect decisions concerning either the continuation of the moratorium or actions that rescind the moratorium, pursuant to legislative action.
Standard Application
To assist Heads of Independent Schools with filling out the new application, please go to the sample application below to receive guidance.
Independent School Application Staff Details Form
Any school or entity seeking an application to apply for independent school approval should contact Pat Pallas Gray at
Annual Compliance Assurance
Pursuant to State Board of Education Rule Series 2200, effective 07-01-2024, approved Independent Schools must annually sign and submit confirmation of compliance in meeting the requirements of Subsection 2223.2 (Nondiscrimination Requirements for Approved Schools) and, for schools approved to receive public tuition, requirements in Sections 2229 (Approval to Receive Public Tuition; Special Education Approval) and 2231 (Written Agreements Required).
Heads of independent schools must complete, sign, and submit the Annual Assurance form no later than February 15, 2025. Requests to receive an extension must be received by the Independent School Team, at the email addresses below, no later than February 1, 2025.
If an approved independent school fails to submit its form by February 15, 2025, the Secretary shall promptly contact the school by phone or first-class mail regarding its deficiency and notify the Board that the school is out of compliance. After providing an opportunity for a hearing, the Board may revoke, suspend, or impose conditions on the school’s approval status, including its eligibility to receive public tuition, if it determines that the school has failed to comply with the requirements of this Subsection without a showing of good cause.
Annual Compliance Assurance Office Hours, 1-29-2025
The Agency of Education held an office hour webinar for heads of school independent schools to receive information and have the opportunity to ask questions regarding new State Board of Education’s Annual Compliance Assurance requirements, in effect on 7-1-24. To access office hours webinar materials: Office Hours 1-29-25 PPP.pptx.
For technical assistance on submitting the Assurance Compliance document or for questions on requirements please contact J. Deborah Ormsbee or Pat Pallas-Gray
Technical Assistance and Memos for Approved Independent Schools
Recognized Independent Schools
Enrollment Notice
The Recognized School Enrollment Notice form is required to be submitted annually as a part of maintaining a school's recognized independent school status. Completed forms must be received by the Agency prior to the opening of the public schools in your area.
Recognized Independent School Enrollment Notice
Other Educational Programs
Distance Learning Schools
A Distance Learning School is an independent school located in Vermont that offers a distance learning program and that, because of its structure does not meet some or all the rules of the State Board for approval of independent schools. Approval of these schools is pursuant to 16 V.S.A. § 166 (b) (6) and State Board of Education Rules 2236-2239.
Tutorial Programs
A Tutorial Program is education provided to a student who is placed in a short-term program for evaluation and treatment purposes not administered by a school district. Approval of these programs is pursuant to 16 V.S.A. §§ 11 (27), 828, and Vermont State Board Rules 2235.
Teen Parent Education Programs
A Teen Parent Education Program is a program designed to provide educational and other services to pregnant pupils or parenting pupils, or both, pursuant to 16 V.S.A. §§ 11 (33) (A) (B), 1073 (b), and State Board Standards I-IV.
Independent School Rate Approval
For the 2024-2025 school year, the Agency will review independent school requests for rate increases that are based on a demonstrated reasonable, necessary, and allowable increase in costs. SBE Rule 2232.
Independent schools seeking to obtain approval for NIPA deflator cost of living increases must contact J. Deborah Ormsbee to receive assistance.
To receive an interim rate application, coversheet and instructions FY25, please contact J. Deborah Ormsbee at
- Independent School Annual Tuition Rate Report FY2025
- Independent School Annual Tuition Rate Report FY2024
For independent school initial approvals, program renewals and State Board of Education information please email Patricia Pallas Gray or call (802) 917-2583.
For independent school tuition rate setting and education quality please email J. Deborah Ormsbee or call (802) 828-1226.