Through the Flexible Pathways Initiative, Vermont's Early College Program (ECP) has made funds available to students accepted into full-time programs that are developed and operated by one of the Vermont State Colleges or an accredited private postsecondary school located in Vermont, and that are approved for operation by the Secretary of Education.
Student Eligibility
- Resident of Vermont
- High school senior enrolled in a school that is publicly funded including a Vermont career technical center, approved independent high school and are publicly funded by their hometowns, and Home Study students.
Student Requirements
- Students must get approval for their participation from their high school principal or designee in order to assure that the student is academically ready for college courses and to ensure that the high school graduation requirements will be met through college courses.
- Students wanting to participate in the Early College program must have the program documented in their Personalized Learning Plan.
Approved Early College Program Partners
The following colleges have been approved to offer Early College Programs for the 2022-2023 academic year. Contact the approved college directly to apply.
Community College of Vermont
Natalie Searle, Director of Secondary Education Initiatives
(802) 885-8368
Norwich University
Melanie Rosser-Parr, Associate Director
(802) 485-2008
Vermont State University
Neil Sinclair, Assistant Director of Admissions
(802) 879-2368
Planning for Early College
Learn More about Early College
Early College Program Overview
- Students must get permission from their high school principal in order to participate (or in the case of home study students their parent/guardian);
- Students apply for admission to one of three colleges offering the Early College program;
- Student must enroll in courses full-time for both the fall and spring semesters;
- Courses must satisfy high school graduation requirements so that students graduate from high school at the end of the spring semester;
- Students must un-enroll from high school and re-enroll at the end of spring semester to get their high school diploma; and
- Students pay for textbooks, lab fees, materials fees, and any other costs associated.
Dual Enrollment Legislative Reports
These reports also include Early College and Fast Forward program data.
- Dual Enrollment Legislative Report (including data through FY23)
- Dual Enrollment Legislative Report (including data through FY24)
Dual Enrollment System Account and Voucher Information
For Students
- Early College Program Manual
- Early College FAQs
- ECP Entry Requirements by Participating Colleges
- Dual Enrollment System Timeline for High School Partners and Students FY25
- Dual Enrollment System Timeline for High School Partners and Students FY26
- Personalized Learning Plan Process for Home Study Students
- Personalized Learning Plan Form for Home Study Students
- Developmental Disabilities Services Division: Postsecondary Education Opportunities
For High Schools
- Early College Program Manual
- Participation Agreement Form Preview
- Memo: Early College and the ADP Enrollment Requests
- Memo: Early College and CTE Enrollment Requests
For Colleges/Universities
- Early College Program Manual
- Defining Full-time Enrollment: Early College Courses Taken at the Same Institution
- What happens if an early college student falls below full-time status?
If a student drops below full-time status for any unforeseen circumstance, the Early College Program Waiver must be provided by the postsecondary institution in order to support the accommodation of contributing in a part-time status. - How does a college/university become an early college program provider?
- College/university resources: