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Health Services

Linking Health and Learning

School Health Services play a vital role in health outcomes for children. The Vermont Department of Health, in collaboration with the Agency of Education, work to optimize equity in the provision of School Health Services to all students.  Resources for School Health Services include:

Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child Model

The Vermont Department of Health and the Agency of Education recommend using the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model to achieve goals outlined in school continuous improvement plans, wellness policies, and multi-tiered system of supports. This model can be used by schools and community partners to improve population health and academic achievement outcomes.

Other School Health Service Information

School Health Screening

16 V.S.A. § 1422 states that school districts shall conduct periodic hearing and vision screenings of school-aged children that are aligned with current research and best practice recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics. Hearing and vision screenings are the only required and recommended population-based screening in the school setting.

Concussion Guidelines

16 V.S.A. § 1431 directs the AOE to develop guidelines, in consultation with the Vermont Department of Health, the Vermont Principals’ Association, and the Vermont School Boards Insurance Trust, to assist schools in taking reasonable steps to prevent and to minimize the effects of school athletic team-related concussions. The law requires that schools educate their coaches, their youth athletes, and the youth athletes’ parents and guardians regarding the prevention and mitigation of concussion-related injuries. The responsibility to ensure compliance with these guidelines falls on principals of public schools, and on heads of approved independent schools. The Brain Injury Association of Vermont has a Concussion Toolkit that can be used by all schools.

Concussion Management

16 V.S.A. § 1431 states that the principal or headmaster of each public and approved independent school in the State or a designee shall ensure that each school has a concussion management action plan that describes the procedures the school shall take when a student athlete suffers a concussion. The Vermont School Concussion Management Toolkit contains recommended plans for Return to Learn and Return to Play.



Condom Availability Program

As of July 1, 2021, 16 V.S.A § 132 (Secondary Schools, provision of contraceptives) states

“In order to prevent or reduce unintended pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases, each school district shall make condoms available to all students in its secondary schools, free of charge. School district administrative teams, in consultations with school district nursing staff, shall determine the best manner in which to make condoms available to students. At a minimum, condoms shall be placed in locations that are safe and readily accessible to students, including the school nurse’s office.”  

The Condom Availability Programs: Recommendations for Supervisory Unions/Districts and Schools supports the implementation of Condom Availability Programs in secondary schools. The purpose of this document is to provide helpful information for Supervisory Unions/Supervisory Districts (SUs/SDs) and schools regarding 16 V.S.A. § 132. The Agency of Education, in collaboration with the Vermont Department of Health and Planned Parenthood of Northern New England (PPNNE), has collected background information, identified steps for SUs/SDs and schools to implement condom availability in their schools, and created a template for schools to use when developing condom availability procedures.

School Nurse Licensing Requirements

Requirements for Teaching Health Education in These Grades

State School Nurse Consultant

Kaitlyn Kodzis, MSN, BSN, RN
Vermont Department of Health, Maternal and Child Health Division