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Average Daily Membership

Average Daily Membership (ADM) is a count of resident and state-placed students who receive an elementary or secondary education at public expense; data are listed by town according to a student’s residence. Resident students are counted during the period from the 11th to the 30th day of the current school year, while state-placed students are counted for the school year prior to the current census period. Data are used in calculating weighted pupils which are used to determine the homestead tax rates.


Beginning in FY2025, Act 127, the pupil weighting bill changes the grade ranges for weighted pupils.  

Elementary: Average daily membership of elementary students includes those in Early Education programs, PreKindergarten, Kindergarten, and 1st through 5th grades.

Middle: Average daily membership of middle school students includes those in grades 6-8.

Secondary: Average daily membership of secondary students includes those in grades 9-12, as well as Adult without Diploma.

Prior to FY2025: 

Elementary: Average daily membership of elementary students includes those in Early Education programs, PreKindergarten, Kindergarten, and 1st through 6th grades.

Secondary: Average daily membership of secondary students includes those in grades 7-12, as well as Adult without Diploma.

The figures provided in these reports reflect the data received by the Agency of Education on or before December 1.