Universal Screening for Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Needs and Strengths in Vermont Schools
These guidelines are designed to support the work of LEA leadership (Supervisory Union, School District, and Independent Schools) in the universal screening of students for social, emotional, and behavioral needs and strengths. Just as with academic needs, addressing social, emotional, behavioral, mental health, and wellness needs in school is a core component of a multi-tiered system of support and needs to be specifically addressed in continuous improvement plans at the school and LEA level. There is extensive guidance on interconnecting mental health with the Early MTSS, Vermont Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (VTmtss) Framework, and Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS).
Family Engagement Toolkit and Self-Assessment
The Vermont Family Engagement Toolkit and Self-Assessment is designed to be an easy-to-use, practical guide for educators seeking to develop and maintain growth of school or Supervisory Union/District family engagement work, including for students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs). The Toolkit provides researched-based information, proven strategies, a Self-Assessment to reflect on your own practice, and links to additional tools that can be customized to Supervisory Union/District or school needs. This Toolkit is only one of many resources available to teachers, administrators, families, and communities to continue to support the academic achievement and success of all children and families they serve.
- Vermont Family Engagement Toolkit and Self-Assessment Guide
- Vermont Family Engagement Toolkit Introduction (Video)
- Strengthening Family Engagement: Overview of the Family Engagement Toolkit and Self-Assessment and Other Family Engagement Resources Recording: Looking for ways to expand your family engagement, assess your current practices, and integrate this vital aspect into your VTmtss Framework? Explore the VTmtss Team's Strengthening Family Engagement: Overview of the Family Engagement Toolkit and Self-Assessment and Other Family Engagement Resources closed-captioned recording and slide deck, which dives into the AOE's Family Engagement Toolkit and Self-Assessment and offers best practices for involving the community.
- Parent, Family and Community Engagement
- Family Engagement for Individualized Education Program (IEP) Team Members: Ensuring Meaningful Participation by Families: This resource provides strategies for Individualized Education Program Team members to consider to develop a more comprehensive approach to family engagement for families of children with disabilities. These strategies may also support school or district family engagement efforts. The strategies are organized by Family Engagement Core Principles and align with the Family Engagement Toolkit and Self-Assessment.
VTmtss Office Hours
The series will focus on VTmtss updates, tools, processes, and systems to support the field. Some topics include: HHB and Rule 4500 forms and requirements, review of VTmtss survey data analysis and application to decision-making, EST processes, Section 504, Effective Collaboration Practices and more. To learn more, visit VTmtss Office Hours Series 2024-2025 web page.
Archived VTmtss Office Hours
The VTmtss Team hosts monthly, electronic Office Hours during the school year. See below for past Office Hour recordings.
March 2020: This Office Hour offers an interview with AOE colleagues in the Student Pathways Division regarding the benefits and barriers of Flexible Pathways and Act 77. Learn about best practices, alignment with the VTmtss Framework, and how to provide the most equitable opportunities.
VTmtss Office Hour – March 2020 Presentation Slides
January 2020: This Office hour focuses on understanding and strengthening an effective Local Comprehensive Assessment System, a key lever for carrying out Act 173. The webinar offers an interview with Pat Fitzsimmons and Sigrid Olson about how the VTmtss Framework can support work with Proficiency-based Learning and Flexible Pathways, with an eye on assessment systems.
VTmtss Office Hour - January 2020 Presentation Slides
December 2019: This Office Hour is an interview format to learn more about Educational Support Teams (EST) and the recently published Guidance Document to support schools in providing equitable opportunities. Please note that we had technical difficulties with the sound partway through, so be sure to turn on Closed Captioning to capture the full information.
VTmtss Office Hour - December 2019 Presentation Slides
November 2019: This office hour offers a comprehensive overview of VTmtss and the newly-revised Field Guide. Learn how VTmtss connects to the larger Vermont educational landscape and how the VTmtss Team can help support your school's continuous improvement.
VTmtss Office Hour - November 2019 Presentation Slides
October 2019: Explore the MTSS Survey Summary Report and learn about the data reported by all Vermont K-12 (294) public school principals and how the VTmtss Team can provide further support for expanding your school's VTmtss Framework. *Please note that we had technical difficulties with this recording and have instead posted a copy of the PowerPoint presentation.
VTmtss Office Hour - October 2019
Agency of Education Related Resources
In an effort to align initiatives and coordinate with state legislation, we have offered links to other key AOE documents or teams to support building VTmtss in your school.
A Blueprint for Early Literacy Comprehensive System of Services, Pre-K to 3rd Grade is an AOE document that provides guidelines and resources for developing an Early Literacy Comprehensive System of Services, Pre-kindergarten to 3rd Grade
Coaching as Professional Learning, information and resources that support implementing and sustaining effective coaching
Comprehensive Needs Assessment Toolkit, a resource to engage in the first phase of Continuous Improvement Planning
Continuous Improvement, information regarding Vermont’s educational model of continuous improvement
Education Quality Standards, statewide rules to ensure that all students in Vermont public schools are afforded educational opportunities that are substantially equal in quality
Empowered Paraprofessionals Workshop: This recorded session from a 2020 paraeducator professional development series introduces paraeducators to The VTmtss Framework and how the recently revised Field Guide can help inform equity in school systems. The session allows the opportunity for personal reflection and to brainstorm ways the Framework can apply to your unique context.
Strengthening and Streamlining Local Comprehensive Assessment Systems, an AOE document that provides guidelines and resources for developing a local comprehensive assessment system
Student Learning Team, resources for proficiency-based learning, personalized learning, and flexible pathways
Vermont Annual School Snapshot, a quantitative look at school quality, measuring performance for schools, supervisory unions and school districts, and the state as a whole