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Act 29: School Safety and Security

Act 29 of 2023 in Vermont establishes several school safety requirements for public and approved and recognized independent schools. These requirements include nationally recognized best practices such as conducting options-based response drills, developing emergency operations plans, managing access and visitors, and developing and utilizing behavioral threat assessment programs. Below are resources, guidance, and technical support relevant to this legislation. 

Technical Support 

Emergency Drills 

Emergency Operations Plans (EOPs) 

Behavior Threat Assessment (BTA)

  • Please see the new AOE BTA webpage for more information regarding all AOE-provided BTA information and resources.

 Required Reporting 

Supplemental Resources

Independent Schools

Youth Voice in School Safety 

In 2024, UP for Learning worked with the Vermont Agency of Education and Department of Public Safety to bring the voices, experiences, and perspectives of Vermont youth into policy conversations about school safety and security. This project consisted of eight youth-led dialogue events for youth in grades 6–12, as well as a survey taken by students in grades 9–12 across Vermont. This project culminated with the 2024 Youth Safety Report

Governor's Annual School Safety Conference

The Governor’s Annual School Safety Conference is held annually in partnership with Vermont’s Agency of Education, Department of Public Safety, and the Vermont School Safety Center. The conference includes keynotes and breakout sessions presented by several of the country’s foremost school safety experts and advocates. 2024 conference presentation materials: 

The Vermont School Safety Center

The Vermont School Safety Center offers best practices and recommendations on how to keep your school safe.