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Social Emotional Learning and Mental Health Well-Being Funding Opportunities, Grants and Legislation 

There is no single funding structure that supports all activities, support, and services that are provided in schools or districts to address SEL and mental health wellbeing. Agency of Education staff are available for consultation to support braiding the funds available to a school or district to reach their SEL and mental health goals for their students: individual student classroom, school, and district levels. 

Featured Resource: Act 112: Grants to Expand Mental Health and Well-Being Services to Youth Legislative Report - This report, written in collaboration between the Agency of Education and the Department of Mental Health, highlights the successes of Act 112 while acknowledging areas for improvement. It emphasizes the urgent need for continued support and investment in school mental health to ensure all Vermont students have the support they need to thrive. By implementing the recommendations outlined in this report, the Vermont Legislature can build upon the successes of Act 112 and create a more robust and sustainable system of mental health and well-being for all Vermont students. Contact: 

Options for Funding Social-Emotional Learning and Mental Health Supports for School Districts - This resource is intended to provide a high-level overview of the different federal, state, and local funding options that can be considered when a need for an activity, support, or service is identified to address SEL, mental health, and wellness in a school or district. 

Act 67 - Community Schools - Community Schools serve as resource hubs that provide a broad range of easily accessed well-coordinated supports and services that help students and families with increasingly complex needs. Grantees’ programs are supporting Vermont schools and community partners to develop, expand, and sustain a community school model that demonstrates five pillars: integrated student supports, expanded and enriched learning time and opportunities, active family and community engagement, collaborative leadership and practices, and safe, inclusive, and equitable learning environments. 

BEST/Act 230 - BEST funds are intended for training and professional learning to support teachers, administrators, and other personnel in creating equitable, rigorous learning environments for students with emotional and behavioral needs. Act 230 funds are intended for the training of teachers, administrators, and other personnel in the provision of education services to students who require educational support for academics and/or social/emotional/behavioral. Contact: 

Investing in School Mental Health: Strategies to Wisely Spend Federal and State Funding - In this article Sharon describes seven funding strategies that States and local communities can use to spend funding made available to advance school mental health by investing in activities and infrastructure that promote sustainability. 

Project AWARE (Advancing Wellness and Resiliency Education) 2023 - The purpose of the program is to develop a sustainable infrastructure for school-based mental health programs and services. Grantees will build collaborative partnerships with the State Education Agency (SEA), Local Education Agency (LEA), Tribal Education Agency (TEA), the State Mental Health Agency (SMHA), community-based providers of behavioral health care services, school personnel, community organizations, families, and school-aged youth. Participating LEA and local designated mental health agency: Barre UUSD and Washington County Mental Health; Caledonia Central SU and Northeast Kingdom Human Services; and Southwest Vermont SU and United Counseling Services. Contact:

Stronger Connections - As part of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA), Congress authorized $1 billion in formula funding under Title IV, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA) to state educational agencies (SEAs). Grantees are providing students with safer and healthier learning environments. Contact: 

Vermont Model School Protocol for Suicide Prevention - In response to Act 56 of 2023, the Department of Mental Health, in collaboration with AOE and stakeholders, developed a Model School Protocol for Suicide Prevention. The report describes the components of a model school protocol for suicide prevention, anticipated barriers to implementation, and recommendations for successful implementation, as well as guidelines for educating school personnel on eating disorders, prevention, language, identification and resources.

Vermont State Strategic Plan for Suicide Prevention 2024-2029 - The Vermont Department of Mental Health (DMH) developed this strategic plan with input from representatives across multiple sectors, communities and age groups. This comprehensive document is designed to help Vermonters systematically reduce deaths by suicide and alleviate the burden of mental health struggles in our communities over the next five years.