Collecting accurate, timely data on SEL and mental health implementation and outcomes allows district-level teams to monitor their progress toward their continuous improvement goals. Reporting this data provides opportunities for LEA to receive ongoing support and technical assistance by the Agency of Education and Department of Mental Health.
NEW Featured Resource: Education Quality Standards (effective July 1, 2025) - The purpose of these updated rules is to ensure that all Vermont students are afforded educational opportunities that are substantially equal in quality and are equitable, anti-racist, culturally responsive, anti-discriminatory, and inclusive, thus enabling each student to achieve or exceed the performance standards approved by the State Board of Education.
- These updated rules are designed to ensure continuous improvement in student performance, instruction, and leadership to enable students to attain rigorous standards in high-quality programs, both in traditional school based settings and in extended learning opportunities, with the latter including, but not necessarily limited to, virtual, work-based, co-curricular community-based and service-learning opportunities, community research and civic and community engagement projects, dual enrollment and early college, career technical education and adult education and learning.
District Quality Standards - The standards provided in these rules describe the core elements of a quality education delivery system. They also describe the role of the Agency of Education in providing the necessary support and oversight to attain those standards, so all students receive substantially equal access to a quality education which includes, “At least annually, the Board monitors student academic progress and wellness.” (113.1.3).
The State of Health Equity in Vermont June 2024 - This report focuses on the health outcomes and disparities among subpopulations in Vermont. By measuring, analyzing and sharing results on the diverse health behaviors and outcomes of adults and youth in Vermont by demographic characteristics, we seek to ensure that all Vermonters have a fair and just opportunity to be healthy.
Universal Screening for Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Needs and Strengths in Vermont Schools - These guidelines are designed to support the work of LEA leadership (Supervisory Union, School District, and Independent Schools) in the universal screening of students for social, emotional, and behavioral needs and strengths. Just as with academic needs, addressing social, emotional, behavioral, mental health, and wellness needs in school is a core component of a multi-tiered system of support and needs to be specifically addressed in continuous improvement plans at the school and LEA level.