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Fast Forward Frequently Asked Questions edu-fast-forward-frequently-asked-questions-fy22.pdf (288.75 KB) 02/10/2022 PDF
Special Education Advisory Panel: Agenda for February 23, 2022 edu-special-education-advisory-panel-agenda-022322.pdf (173.07 KB) 02/11/2022 PDF
Linking Health & Learning Newsletter: February 2022 edu-linking-health-and-learning-newsletter-february-2022.pdf (413.79 KB) 02/11/2022 PDF
Item M: Public Engagement Forums Proposal edu-state-board-item-m-02-16-22.pdf (142 KB) 02/16/2022 PDF
Act 173 Advisory Group-Draft Meeting Minutes February 7, 2022 Act 173 Advisory Group Draft Minutes-02-07-2022.pdf (273.58 KB) 02/11/2022 PDF
State Board of Education Independent School Approval Review Committee Meeting Agenda: 03-10-22 edu-sbe IS Approval Review Committee agenda-03-10-2022.pdf (178.44 KB) 02/11/2022 PDF
Item O: Thoughts on School Branding Standards edu-state-board-item-o-02-16-22.pdf (1.54 MB) 02/16/2022 PDF
Special Education Monitoring Guide to SharePoint edu-special-education-monitoring-guide-to-sharePoint.pdf (1.95 MB) 04/04/2022 PDF
Item H: Comments on Rule 2200 at End of Public Comment Period edu-state-board-item-h-1-02_16_2022.xlsx (44.33 KB) 02/16/2022 Spreadsheet
Item H: Proposed Response to Public Comment from SBE Committee - Remaining Issues edu-state-board-item-h-2-02_16_22.pdf (430.35 KB) 02/16/2022 PDF
Item H: Summary of Amendments to Draft Rule 2200 Related to Non-discriminatory Enrollment Requirements edu-state-board-item-h-3-02_16_22.pdf (308.29 KB) 02/16/2022 PDF
EQS Subcommittee of the Act 1 Working Group Draft Meeting Minutes - February 1, 2022 2.1.22 EQS Subcommittee Meeting Minutes.pdf (256.1 KB) 02/01/2022 PDF
Vermont Special Education Procedures Manual edu-vt-special-education-procedures-and-practices-manual_0.pdf (488.81 KB) 11/03/2022 PDF
Advisory Council on Wellness and Comprehensive Health Draft Minutes from February 9, 2022 Advisory Council on Wellness-draft-meeting-minutes-02-09-2022 .pdf (237.61 KB) 02/09/2022 PDF
Act 1 Ethnic and Social Equity Standards Advisory Working Group Agenda for February 17, 2021 2022217Act1 Agenda.pdf (286.61 KB) 02/17/2022 PDF
Item G: Draft Report - Roles & Responsibilities for the Vermont State Board of Education & Agency of Education edu-state-board-item-g-02_16_22.pdf (808.32 KB) 02/16/2022 PDF
Special Education Advisory Panel Executive Board Draft Minutes: February 9, 2022 edu-sped-advisory-panel-executive-board-draft-minutes-020922.pdf (176.21 KB) 02/15/2022 PDF
Special Education Advisory Panel Draft Minutes: January 18, 2022 edu-sped-advisory-panel-draft-minutes-011822.pdf (160.75 KB) 02/15/2022 PDF
Winter Kits for Kids and Staff Assurance Testing Distribution: February 2022 edu-winter-kits-for-kids-and-staff-assurance-testing-distribution-feb-2022.pdf (340.67 KB) 02/15/2022 PDF
Home-Study-EarlyCollege-DualEnrollment-Memo-FY22 edu-home-study-earlycollege-dualenrollment-memo-fy22.pdf (358.49 KB) 02/16/2022 PDF