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Title File Category Date File Format
Assessment Accommodations School Year 2019 assessment-accommodations-school-year-2019.xlsx (82.26 KB) 07/09/2020 Spreadsheet
Eligible and Ineligible Functions and Objects for CRF Reimbursement edu-eligible-and-ineligible-functions-and-objects-for-crf-reimbursement.xlsx (29.66 KB) 07/10/2020 Spreadsheet
Adult Day Care Master List edu-nutrition-cacfp-adult-day-care-master-list.xlsx (700.92 KB) 07/29/2020 Spreadsheet
Vermont School PPE/PHPS Distribution - Phase 2 edu-spreadsheet-vermont-school-PPE-PHPS-distribution-phase-2.xlsx (80.56 KB) 08/21/2020 Spreadsheet
CRF Application Budget Worksheet edu-crf-application-budget-worksheet.xlsx (52.34 KB) 08/21/2020 Spreadsheet
CRF Application LEA Budget Worksheet edu-crf-application-lea-budget-worksheet.xlsx (50.54 KB) 09/02/2020 Spreadsheet
Special Education Service Plan Section A Forms FY 2022 edu-sepcial-ed-service-plan-section-a-forms-fy22.xls (49.5 KB) 09/03/2020 Spreadsheet
FY2025 Act 173 Special Education Plan: Section B Forms edu-FY-25-Act173-Plan-Section-B-Forms.xlsx (19.59 KB) 09/26/2023 Spreadsheet
Special Education Service Plan Section C Forms FY 2022 edu-special-ed-service-plan-section-c-forms-fy22.xlsx (13.8 KB) 09/03/2020 Spreadsheet
Item G: Summary of Public Comment Pertaining to Rules Series 1300 and 2360 edu-state-board-item g-summary of public comment rule 1300 and 2360-09-16-20.xlsx (30.08 KB) 09/16/2020 Spreadsheet
FY22 Special Education Service Plan Preschool Budget Worksheet edu-fy22-special-education-service-plan-preschool-budget-worksheet.xls (57 KB) 09/10/2020 Spreadsheet
FY22 Special Education Service Plan K-12 Budget Worksheet edu-fy22-special-education-service-plan-k-12-budget-worksheet.xls (62.5 KB) 09/10/2020 Spreadsheet
VSBPE Agenda Item 3A: Endorsement Revision Timeline Endorsement Revision Timeline_2020.xlsx (27.3 KB) 09/17/2020 Spreadsheet
Indicator 11 – Child Find Data Collection Sheet edu-indicator-11-child-find-data-collection-sheet.xlsx (858.35 KB) 06/21/2021 Spreadsheet
Indicator 13 – Post-Secondary Transition Plans Self-Assessment edu-indicator-13-post-secondary-transition-plans-self-assessment.xlsx (329.91 KB) 08/17/2021 Spreadsheet
Annual Date Review IEP Data Collection Worksheet edu-annual-date-review-iep-data-collection-worksheet.xlsx (36.12 KB) 06/21/2021 Spreadsheet
Annual Date Review Triennial Evaluation Data Collection Worksheet edu-annual-date-review-triennial-evaluation-data-collection-worksheet.xlsx (29.39 KB) 06/21/2021 Spreadsheet
AOE Form 3.0 Monthly Report of Disbursements edu-aoe-form-3.0-monthly-report-of-disbursements.xlsx (75.77 KB) 09/24/2020 Spreadsheet
VTmtss Driver Diagram edu-vtmtss-driver-diagram.xlsx (674.48 KB) 05/16/2022 Spreadsheet
VTmtss Driver Diagram Example edu-vtmtss-driver-diagram-example.xlsx (679.36 KB) 05/16/2022 Spreadsheet