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Title File Category Date File Format
MEMO: FY-2020 SPECIAL EDUCATION SERVICE PLAN edu-memo-special-ed-service-plan-fy20.pdf (194.8 KB) 08/21/2018 PDF
Agenda Item T: Manchester Village School, AOE Memorandum edu-state-board-item-t-3-08_15_18-memo.pdf (141.98 KB) 08/15/2018 PDF
Agenda Item T: NEKCA's Parent Child Center's New Reflections Program edu-state-board-item-t-4-08_15_18.pdf (299.18 KB) 08/15/2018 PDF
Agenda Item T: Manchester Village School edu-state-board-item-t-3-08_15_18.pdf (190.87 KB) 08/15/2018 PDF
Agenda Item V: Barre Town - Barre City edu-state-board-item-v-08_15_18.pdf (3.69 MB) 08/15/2018 PDF
State Board Expenditures - FY19 Report edu-state-board-expenditure-report-08_15_18.pdf (191.55 KB) 08/15/2018 PDF
VSBPE Meeting Minutes - August 14, 2018 edu-educator-quality-vsbpe-08-14-18-minutes.pdf (428.1 KB) 08/15/2018 PDF
Agenda Item W: Calendar Review edu-state-board-item-w-08_15_18.pdf (280.7 KB) 08/15/2018 PDF
VSBPE Meeting Minutes - June 5, 2018 edu-educator-quality-vsbpe-06-05-18-minutes.pdf (408.49 KB) 08/15/2018 PDF
SBE Draft Minutes from August 15, 2018 edu-state-board-final-draft-minutes-08_15_18.pdf (556.66 KB) 08/15/2018 PDF
Agenda Item T: Community High School of Vermont, AOE Report edu-state-board-item-t-2-08_15_18-aoe-report.pdf (503.44 KB) 08/15/2018 PDF
Agenda Item T: Community High School of Vermont edu-state-board-item-t-2-08_15_18.pdf (358.03 KB) 08/15/2018 PDF
Agenda Item T: Draft Minutes - July 15 meeting edu-state-board-item-t-1-08_15_18.pdf (559.96 KB) 08/15/2018 PDF
SBE Agenda: August 15, 2018 edu-state-board-final-agenda-08_15_18.pdf (513.14 KB) 08/15/2018 PDF
SBE - APPROVED MEETING MINUTES FOR August 15, 2018 edu-state-board-final-approved-minutes-08_15_18.pdf (475.34 KB) 08/15/2018 PDF
Agenda Item B: Recognition of Underhill edu-state-board-item-b-08_15_18.pdf (441.25 KB) 08/15/2018 PDF
21st Century Community Learning Centers Site List 2018-2019 edu-21-century-community-learning-centers-2018-2019.pdf (298.74 KB) 08/14/2018 PDF
Chart of Accounts and Grant Management System edu-chart-of-accounts-GMS.pdf (292.96 KB) 08/13/2018 PDF
21C Safety Standards 2018-2019 edu-21c-safety-standards-2018-2019.pdf (253.1 KB) 08/13/2018 PDF
VSBPE Agenda Item 3 PAC edu-vsbpe-item-3pac-8-14-18.pdf (320.33 KB) 08/10/2018 PDF