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Title File Category Date File Format
Proposed Language that Agency of Education Intends to Present as Public Comment to Rule 2200 AOE Proposed Edits to 2200 for Public Comment V1.pdf (124.46 KB) 08/03/2021 PDF
Public Comment - Rules Series 2200 - William Mathis W Mathis-Public Comment-Rule Series 2200-8-2-2021.pdf (138.18 KB) 08/02/2021 PDF
Visual and Performing Arts Instructional Recommendations and Resource Compendium edu-visual-and-performing-arts-instructional-recommendations-and-resource-compendium.pdf (705.1 KB) 08/02/2021 PDF
CN Labels, Product Formulation Statements (PFS), Crediting, and Standardized Recipes Powerpoint edu-nutrition-cn-labels-product-formulation-statements-crediting-standardized-recipes-slideshow.pdf (8.7 MB) 08/02/2021 PDF
Arts Education A Path to a Portrait of a Graduate edu-arts-education-a-path-to-a-portrait-of-a-graduate.pdf (851 KB) 08/02/2021 PDF
State Board of Education - Independent School Rules Update Committee Draft Meeting Minutes - August 2, 2021 edu-state-board-rules 2200 independent school committee draft-minutes-08-02-21.pdf (253.09 KB) 08/02/2021 PDF
Special Education Advisory Panel Membership & By-Laws Subcommittee Approved Minutes: February 10, 2021 edu-sped-advisory-panel-membership-and-by-laws-subcommittee-approved-minutes-021021.pdf (186.1 KB) 07/30/2021 PDF
Special Education Advisory Panel Membership and By-Laws Subcommittee Approved Minutes: November 11, 2020 edu-sped-advisory-panel-membership-and-by-laws-subcommittee-approved-minutes-111120.pdf (221.25 KB) 07/30/2021 PDF
Special Education Advisory Panel Membership and By-Laws Subcommittee Approved Minutes: November 17, 2020 edu-sped-advisory-panel-membership-and-by-laws-subcommittee-approved-minutes-111720.pdf (140.92 KB) 07/30/2021 PDF
Special Education Advisory Panel Approved Minutes: March 18, 2021 edu-special-education-advisory-panel-approved-minutes-031821.pdf (203.26 KB) 07/30/2021 PDF
State Board of Education - Rule Series 2200 Subcommittee Agenda - August 2, 2021 edu-state-board-Rules Series 2200 Subcommittee-agenda-08-02-2021.pdf (188.08 KB) 07/30/2021 PDF
Act 1 Ethnic and Social Equity Standards Advisory Working Group Draft Meeting Minutes from July 29, 2021 Act 1_draft meeting minutes from_2021729.pdf (229.66 KB) 07/29/2021 PDF
Special Education Advisory Panel Approved Minutes: April 19, 2021 edu-special-education-advisory-panel-approved-minutes-041921.pdf (165.79 KB) 07/29/2021 PDF
Special Education Advisory Panel Approved Minutes: May 18, 2021 edu-special-education-advisory-panel-approved-minutes-051821.pdf (210.01 KB) 07/29/2021 PDF
Act 1 Ethnic and Social Equity Standards Advisory Working Group Approved Meeting Minutes from July 29, 2021 Act 1_Approved Meeting Minutes from_2021729.pdf (223.09 KB) 07/29/2021 PDF
Act 1 Ethnic and Social Equity Standards Advisory Working Group Agenda for July 29, 2021 20210729Ethnic and Social equity agenda.pdf (271.9 KB) 07/29/2021 PDF
CACFP Reimbursement Rates 2021-2022 21-22 CACFP Reimbursement Rates.pdf (512.68 KB) 07/29/2021 PDF
Special Education Advisory Panel: Unmet Needs Subcommittee, Agenda for July 27, 2021 edu-sped-advisory-panel-unmet-needs-subcommittee-agenda-072721.pdf (113.9 KB) 07/27/2021 PDF
Special Education Advisory Panel Executive Board Approved Minutes: May 4, 2021 edu-sped-advisory-panel-executive-board-approved-minutes-050421.pdf (157.89 KB) 07/27/2021 PDF
Social, Emotional, Behavioral Screening Guidance SEB Screener memo-2021-7-27.pdf (568.24 KB) 07/27/2021 PDF