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Table data
Title File Category Date File Format
A Strong and Healthy Start: Safety and Health Guidance for Vermont Schools edu-vdh-guidance-strong-healthy-start-school-health-updated-10-23.pdf (740.8 KB) 10/23/2020 PDF
Item H: Preliminary Financial Statement for 2020 edu-state-board-item-h-14-10_21_20-prelim audit 20.pdf (23.07 KB) 10/21/2020 PDF
Item I: SBE Rules and Dates that Rules were Last Revised edu-state-board-item-i-10_21_20-last revision.pdf (271.93 KB) 10/21/2020 PDF
Item H: Audited Financial Statement for 2019 edu-state-board-item-h-13-10_21_20-audit 19.pdf (916.32 KB) 10/21/2020 PDF
Item H: Audited Financial Statement for 2018 edu-state-board-item-h-12-10_21_21-audit 18.pdf (1.09 MB) 10/21/2020 PDF
Item H: Audited Financial Statement for 2017 edu-state-board-item-h-11-10_21_20-audit 17.pdf (744.28 KB) 10/21/2020 PDF
Item H: Secretary French Recommendation to Review Kurn Hattin edu-state-board-item-h-15-10_21_20-french rec.pdf (266.76 KB) 10/21/2020 PDF
Item H: Chair Carroll Letter to Mr. Harrison edu-state-board-item-h-16-10_21_20-carroll letter.pdf (123.59 KB) 10/21/2020 PDF
Item K: Public Comment on Proposed Revisions to Rule Series 2360 and 1300 edu-state-board-item-k-1-10_21_20-simmons memo.pdf (233.84 KB) 10/21/2020 PDF
Item K: Summary of Public Comment on Rules Series 1300 and 2360 edu-state-board-item-k-2-10_21_20-sum public comment.xlsx (27.2 KB) 10/21/2020 Spreadsheet
State Board of Education Final Agenda - October 21, 2020 edu-state-board-final-agenda-10-21-20 .pdf (277.6 KB) 10/21/2020 PDF
Item N: Expenditure Report FY20 edu-state-board-item-n-10_21_20.pdf (118.21 KB) 10/21/2020 PDF
Item H: NEKHH Program and Curriculum Update 09.22.20 edu-state-board-item-h-10-10_21_20-prog and curriculum.pdf (155.76 KB) 10/21/2020 PDF
Item H: Statement form Kurn Hattin Homes 09-19-20 edu-state-board-item-h-9-10_21_20-KH statement.pdf (387.85 KB) 10/21/2020 PDF
Item H: NEASC Letter to Kurn Hattiin Homes SPR JUNE 2020 edu-state-board-item-h-8-10_21_20-neasc letter.pdf (151.71 KB) 10/21/2020 PDF
Item H: Kurn Hattin Homes for Children Re-Opening Procedures edu-state-board-item-h-7-10_21_20-reopening procedure.pdf (399.12 KB) 10/21/2020 PDF
Item H: Kurn Hattin Closure Letter 09.10.20 edu-state-board-item-h-6-10_21_20-closure letter.pdf (575 KB) 10/21/2020 Text
Item H: Kurn Hattin - Table 7.1 Staffing 2020-2021 09.22.20 edu-state-board-item-h-5-10_21_20-staffing 20-21.pdf (317.84 KB) 10/21/2020 PDF
Item H: Approval Report for SBE Kurn Hattin June 2017 edu-state-board-item-h-4-10_21_20-approval report.pdf (173.81 KB) 10/21/2020 PDF
Item H: 2019-2020 Kurn Hattin Licensing Report Final 062520 edu-state-board-item-h-3-10_21_20-licensing report.pdf (413.6 KB) 10/21/2020 PDF