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Table data
Title File Category Date File Format
Use of Title Funds for Salaries edu-cfp-use-of-title-funds-for-salaries.pdf (157.22 KB) 02/08/2018 PDF
Monitoring of Consolidated Federal Programs edu-cfp-monitoring-protocol.pdf (422.4 KB) 02/08/2018 PDF
CFP FY18 Application and Allocations Memo edu-cfp-application-allocations-4.24.17.pdf (319.43 KB) 02/08/2018 PDF
Support for Extended Learning Opportunities Memo edu-cfp-memo-field-support-extended-learning-opportunities-07-2016.pdf (309.2 KB) 02/08/2018 PDF
Membership Fees and Allowability edu-cfp-memo-on-memberships.pdf (294.98 KB) 02/08/2018 PDF
Supplement not Supplant edu-cfp-supplement-not-supplant.pdf (248.61 KB) 02/08/2018 PDF
Serving Homeless Children and Youth edu-cfp-serving-homeless-children-and-youth.pdf (183.56 KB) 02/08/2018 PDF
Pre-approval for Investments edu-cfp-pre-approval-for-investments.pdf (281.67 KB) 02/08/2018 PDF
VSBPE Agenda - February 14, 2018 edu-vsbpe-agenda-02-14-18.pdf (319.6 KB) 02/07/2018 PDF
Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) edu-community-eligibility-provision.pdf (134.02 KB) 02/07/2018 PDF
VSBPE Agenda Item 1 PAC - Overview of ROPA Review Elements Timeline edu-vsbpe-item-1pac-02-14-18.pdf (225.45 KB) 02/07/2018 PDF
SBE Legislative Subcommittee - Draft Minutes - February 07, 2018 edu-state-board-leg subcommittee-draft minutes-2_7_18.pdf (417.01 KB) 02/07/2018 PDF
Equitable Services to Independent Schools edu-cfp-equitable-services-for-independent-schools.pdf (127.94 KB) 02/07/2018 PDF
Windsor Southeast SU AR Summary 2017 - 2018 edu-nutrition-windsor-southeast-ar-summary.pdf (579.12 KB) 02/07/2018 PDF
Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP) edu-continuous-improvement-plan.pdf (149.44 KB) 02/07/2018 PDF
CFP Reallocation Procedure edu-cfp-reallocation-procedure.pdf (349.09 KB) 02/07/2018 PDF
Title I Excess Carryover Waiver Procedure edu-title-i-excess-carryover-waiver-procedure.pdf (191.37 KB) 02/07/2018 PDF
The Village School of North Bennington AR Summary 2017-2018 edu-nutrition-village-school-north-bennington-ar-summary.pdf (463.97 KB) 02/07/2018 PDF
Use of Title I to Purchase Electronic Devices.pdf edu-use-of-title-i-to-purchase-electronic-devices-guidelines.pdf (130.85 KB) 02/07/2018 PDF
Title II Approval for Professional Learning with Course Credit.pdf edu-title-ii-approval-for-professional-learning-with-course-credit-procedure.pdf (284.69 KB) 02/07/2018 PDF