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Table data
Title File Category Date File Format
Template Menu Planning and Production Record Tool edu-nutrition-cycle-menu-template-lunch-menu-planning-tool.xlsx (122.64 KB) 11/08/2021 Spreadsheet
Item F: Comments of Rule 2200 at End of Public Comment Period edu-state-board-item-f-2-12_15_21.xlsx (37.09 KB) 12/15/2021 Spreadsheet
Item F: Union High School Districts Debt Comparisons UHSDs Aa Debt comparisons SBE act 46.xlsx (71.57 KB) 10/17/2018 Spreadsheet
Harassment, Hazing and Bullying Data for School Year 2017 edu-harrassment-hazing-bullying-school-level-sy2017.xlsx (30.19 KB) 12/03/2018 Spreadsheet
Service Plan Section C Forms edu-fy21sp-section-c-forms.xlsx (14.41 KB) 08/30/2019 Spreadsheet
HHB School-Level Data 2012-2016 edu-hhb-data-school-level-2012-2016.xlsx (96.77 KB) 09/20/2017 Spreadsheet
2022-2023 CEP SFA AND SCHOOL NOTIFICATION REPORT edu-nutrition-2022-2023-cep-sfa-and-school-notification-report.xlsx (40.57 KB) 06/30/2022 Spreadsheet
Item H: Comments on Rule 2200 at End of Public Comment Period edu-state-board-item-h-1-02_16_2022.xlsx (44.33 KB) 02/16/2022 Spreadsheet
List of Independent Schools Approved to Serve Students with Disabilities edu-independent-schools-w-sped-codes-7.1.2023.xlsx (20.87 KB) 08/03/2023 Spreadsheet
edu-state-placed-students-count-form-FY22 edu-state-placed-students-count-form-FY-2022.xlsx (133.34 KB) 05/10/2022 Spreadsheet
FY 2023 Announced Tuition Data Table edu-fy23-announced-tuition-data-table-v1.0.xlsx (26.49 KB) 03/07/2022 Spreadsheet
P-EBT Reporting Template and Pending Plan for 2022-23 - Submission 2 edu-p-ebt-datatemplate-May23.xlsx (22.91 KB) 05/02/2023 Spreadsheet
Vermont Early Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) System Inventory edu-early-mtss-system-inventory.xlsx (363.49 KB) 04/11/2022 Spreadsheet
Students With Disabilities Participating in Assessments With and Without Accommodations for 2021 swd-assessment-accommodations-sy-2021.xlsx (79.79 KB) 04/26/2022 Spreadsheet
Agenda Item S - FY17 SBE Expenditure Report edu-state-board-item-092017-s.xlsx (12.6 KB) 09/20/2017 Spreadsheet
2015 NECAP Science Assessment Results edu-data-2015-science-necap.xlsx (375.93 KB) 08/26/2016 Spreadsheet
2014 NECAP Science Assessment Results edu-data-2014-science-necap.xlsx (342.22 KB) 08/26/2016 Spreadsheet
Item H: Kurn Hattin Closure Letter 09.10.20 edu-state-board-item-h-6-10_21_20-closure letter.pdf (575 KB) 10/21/2020 Text
English Language Arts Performance Assessment Template edu-english-language-arts-performance-assessment-template.docx (727.71 KB) 06/22/2021 Text
Study Committee Worksheet for All Phases of Voluntary Merger edu-governance-study-committee-worksheet.docx (824.27 KB) 08/05/2016 Text