TO: Superintendents, Principals, Afterschool Program Leaders
FROM: Heather A. Bouchey, Ph.D., Interim Secretary of Education
SUBJECT: Memo: Collecting Household Income for Education and School Meals Purposes: “Fill the Form” Campaign
DATE: August 14, 2023
With the school year approaching, the Agency of Education would like to remind Supervisory Unions (SU/SDs) of the “Fill the Form” campaign. Please encourage and support families in your Supervisory Union (SU/SDs) to complete the appropriate income form (either the USDA School Meals Application or AOE Household Income Form depending on which kind of school meals program your school is operating in 23-24) by October 1, 2023.
Read the full Memo: Collecting Household Income for Education and School Meals Purposes: “Fill the Form” Campaign.