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Adult Education and Literacy Integrated Education and Training Approval and Documentation Process

August 5, 2024

This document outlines the Integrated Education and Training (IET) program approval and documentation process for Adult Education and Literacy (AEL) programs in Vermont. In summary, the process includes:

• submission of the IET checklist to the Agency of Education (AOE) to propose an IET model;

• review and approval of the IET checklist by AOE staff;

• submission of the IET Registration Form for each IET program/cohort implementation based on an AOE-
approved checklist of an IET model;

• AOE and AEL provider final meeting to confirm details of each IET program held in the fiscal year, including
dates, to ensure that all requirements were met and evaluate program and student success as documented
in the Executive Summary of the IET Checklist.

• AEL providers confirm student completion of program requirements and that student enrollment in an IET
is documented in LACES.

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