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Weekly Field Memo: Recent News and Items of Interest From the Agency

February 28, 2025
A Weekly Field Memo title graphic indicating the week of publication: February 28, 2025

Contents: February 28, 2025

Dual Enrollment Office Hours (Revised Date)

Audience: Principals, CTE Counselors, High School Counselors, Flexible Pathways Coordinators, College Coordinators

AOE's Student Pathways Division invites counselors and staff from both secondary schools and colleges to an information exchange session focusing on the inclusion of Early College into the Dual Enrollment system. We will discuss the timeline of inclusion, training opportunities, updated user guides, and have time for questions and feedback. We have scheduled two DE System Office Hours to best accommodate scheduling demands. The content for each session is the same and interested staff need only attend one of the meetings. 

  • Meeting Invite for Thursday, March 6 from 9:30–10:30 a.m.

DE System Office Hours 9:30AM

  • Meeting Invite for Thursday, March 6 from 3–4 p.m.

DE System Office Hours 3PM

ContactsRyan Parkman (Flexible Pathways, Virtual/Blended Learning) at and Amy Dodge (Flexible Pathways, Dual Enrollment, Early College) at   

Dual Enrollment System Trainings

Audience: Principals, CTE Counselors, High School Counselors, Flexible Pathways Coordinators, College Coordinators

AOE's Student Pathways Division invites counselors and staff from both secondary schools and colleges to Dual Enrollment System Trainings. These trainings will address the operation of the overall system as well as the recent inclusion of Early College. To register for any of these online trainings, use the following linked Dual Enrollment System March 2025 Training Calendar. Virtual trainings are conducted through Microsoft Teams and registration is required as it is the only method for obtaining the login details for the live trainings. Once on the Registration page, please complete all required information in the registration form and select “Register Now”. You will then receive an email confirming your registration with a direct link to the training.

ContactsRyan Parkman (Flexible Pathways, Virtual/Blended Learning) at, and Amy Dodge (Flexible Pathways, Dual Enrollment, Early College) at 

Social Emotional Learning Week March 4-8

Audience: All Educators and Families 

The fifth annual International Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Day is March 3, 2025, kicking off SEL Week through March 8! SEL Day and SEL Week are an opportunity to collectively spread the word about the importance and impact of social emotional learning. Working together, we can raise awareness for SEL, share SEL best practices, and more! Please share the AOE’s announcement about #SELday and be sure to use the hashtag! We welcome you to explore new resources that have been added to the Agency’s Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and Mental Health Well Being web page.

Contact: Tracy Watterson at

Educational Quality Professional Development/Office Hour

Audience: Administrators, Curriculum Directors, Principals

The Education Quality Assurance Team will host an office hour on Wednesday, March 19, from 9–10 a.m. We will provide information on evidence-based practices around literacy. The office hour can be accessed via this MS Teams invite. We hope to see you there!

Contact: Toni Marra at

Functional Behavioral Assessment & Student Support Plan Training 

Audience: School Teams, Educators, Leadership Teams

This two-part training will focus on systems needed to develop the capacity to conduct FBA/SSPs and practical approaches to developing effective FBAs and SSPs. This training will be held on Tuesday, March 11, and Tuesday, April 8, 2025, at the Best Western Plus Waterbury, 45 Blush Hill Rd, Waterbury Village. The training is designed for a team (at least two people) consisting of staff who are selected by their School Leadership Team. Please reach out with any questions!

Contact: Anne Dubie at

Grant Announcement: Statewide Consultant Grant Applications Open April 14

Audience: Education Service Providers, Educational Organizations, Leadership Groups

On April 14, 2025 grant applications will open for Statewide Consultant Grants, including Deaf or Hard of Hearing, Interdisciplinary Team, and Blind or Visually Impaired grants. The due date for the applications is May 15, 2025. Applicants will need to sign into their Grants Management System account to apply. The purpose of these grants is to improve local educational teams' capacities to implement research-based interventions and current best practices in the field of education.

Contact: Laura Greenwood at

Vermont Public: Black History Month Resource About Reshaping the Narrative

Audience: Vermont educators
From PBS Teacher’s Lounge, each week Vermont Public and PBS KIDS will share an engaging blog post for Black History Month that focuses on love, joy, and excellence. Check out this week’s pick, The Boundlessness of Black Joy: Reshaping the Narrative by Will Tolliver Jr. Visit the Vermont Public Educators page for more recommendations for high-quality resources.

Contact: Emily Leute at 


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The field memo has time-sensitive and relevant information designed for students, teachers, and staff. The agency encourages principals, headmasters, and superintendents to share the memo with their education community. Additionally, individuals can subscribe or unsubscribe online.

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