For Immediate Release Contact: Lindsey Hedges, aoe.publicinformation@vermont.gov
Montpelier, VT. – The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) has released the nationwide performance results from the 2024 assessments in reading and mathematics. While Vermont students performed similarly to the national average in reading, the 2024 results reinforce a decades long pattern of declining performance. Relative to pre-pandemic (2019) and post-pandemic (2022) performance, 2024 Vermont reading scores were significantly lower in Grade 4 and Grade 8.
The NAEP is administered every two years to students in Grades 4 and 8 across the nation. In reading, Vermont students’ average performance was not significantly different from the national average. In contrast, Vermont students’ performance in mathematics was lower compared to the national average in Grade 4 and higher than the national average in Grade 8.
"The NAEP results highlight a sense of urgency to promote student outcomes," said Secretary of Education, Zoie Saunders. “We are committed to elevating outcomes through initiatives like Read Vermont, identifying areas for improvement, reversing the downward trend, and building a future where every student can thrive."
Nationally, average reading scores also declined compared to 2022, but at a smaller rate than in Vermont. In mathematics, average scores in Vermont did not change from 2022. Nationwide, average math scores increased from 2022 by two points in Grade 4, but did not change in Grade 8.
Vermont’s Assessment Performance Levels
- Grade 4 reading: 31% of students scored at or above proficient, and 58% of students scored at or above basic
- Grade 8 reading: 29% of students scored at or above proficient, and 67% of students scored at or above basic
- Grade 4 mathematics: 36% of students scored at or above proficient, and 75% of students scored at or above basic
- Grade 8 mathematics: 29% of students scored at or above proficient, and 64% of students scored at or above basic.
NAEP results are publicly available on the NAEP website. Vermont’s results for prior years can also be found on the Agency’s National Assessment webpage.
About the National Assessment of Educational Progress
NAEP is the largest nationally representative assessment of what America's students know and can do in various subject areas. Assessments are conducted periodically in various subjects, including reading, language arts, mathematics, science and the arts. NAEP provides state and national level results, but does not report results for individual students, classrooms, schools or school districts. Because NAEP results are state level averages, The US Department of Education cautions against using them to make causal inferences.
About the Vermont Agency of Education
The Agency of Education implements state and federal laws, policies, and regulations to ensure all Vermont learners have equitable access to high-quality learning opportunities. The Agency accomplishes this mission through the provision of its leadership, support, and oversight of Vermont’s public education system.