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The Medicaid School Based Health Services Program is used by the state to generate Medicaid reimbursement for medically related services provided in accordance with an Individual Education Plan (IEP). Schools bill Medicaid directly for services and receive a monthly grant award from the Agency of Education based on the claims submission to Medicaid. The information in this section includes resources, required documentation and manuals to assist school staff in the accurate submission of Medicaid claims.

Medicaid Reinvestment Report

Each year, supervisory unions are required to submit two reports related to Medicaid - the Medicaid Reinvestment Report and the Report on Expenditures of School Health Services. For questions or additional information, contact Jessica Robinson, (802) 828-3727.

Resources for Medicaid Billing

International Classification of Disease Codes

Complete School Based Health Program Diagnosis Code List, includes a tab for most commonly used codes.