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Special Education Public Comment Archive

The public comment period for the below items has concluded.


State of Vermont 1% Threshold Waiver Request

The Vermont Agency of Education seeks comment from the public on State of Vermont 1% Threshold Waiver Request. Public Input will be open from November 20, 2024 until December 4, 2024. Public comment should be emailed to with the Subject Line “1% Threshold Waiver Request Public Comment".

Methodology and Target Setting on Indicator 4: Suspension and Expulsion - Opportunity for Public Comment

The Vermont Agency of Education seeks comment from the public on methodology and target setting on Indicator 4: Suspension and Expulsion for student with disabilities in Vermont. Public Input for Target Setting Proposals will be open from October 18, 2024 until December 2, 2024. Public comment should be emailed to with the Subject Line “Indicator 4 Public Comment".

Vermont State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR) - Opportunity for Public Comment

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires each state to create a State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR) that outlines how they will meet IDEA Part B requirements. 

This plan includes annual targets for 18 indicators set by the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP). The SPP/APR tracks outcomes for children and families and measures compliance with IDEA. The SPP/APR details baseline data, targets, improvement activities, timelines, and resources for each indicator. The SPP/APR shows how well the state meets these targets and is submitted every February, covering the previous school year. 

To help set these targets the Agency of Education (AOE) relies on public comment and community partnership. The AOE is seeking input specifically for Indicator 3: Assessment and Indicator 17: State Systemic Improvement Plan. The following forms can be used for public input on these targets: 

The Agency will accept public comments from October 9 through December 2, 2024. Email public comments with the Subject Line “SPP/APR Target Setting Public Comment”. 

Vermont Agency of Education IDEA Part B Grant Application – Opportunity for Public Comment  

March 21, 2024 Announcement: Vermont’s Part B Federal Application for Federal Fiscal Year 2024 (FFY24) is available for review from March 24 through May 10, 2024. Please note, the VT AOE is currently working with OSEP to get an approved updated calculation method for determining maintenance of finical support (MFS), which could impact the reported MFS numbers in the grant application.

All states applying for funds under Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) are required to make available for public review and comment the application packet for those federal funds. These funds support the provision of special education services to children with disabilities who are ages 3 to 21 in Vermont. 

The Vermont Agency of Education has developed a draft application packet for IDEA Part B funds and, by this notice, is making the application available for review and comment. The application packet, developed by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs includes a summary of the assurances, certifications, and IDEA use of fund descriptions the state will use to implement Part B of IDEA. Upon the Office of Special Education Programs’ approval of Vermont's Part B application, the state will receive a federal grant award under Part B of the IDEA for the period of July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025.  

In reviewing the application, please note the following: The application is in a format required by the Office of Special Education Programs. Vermont is providing general assurances to the Office of Special Education Programs that the state will be implementing the provisions of state and federal regulations for Part B of IDEA 2004. The dollar amounts listed in Section III, Use of Funds, are for state-level administration and targeted initiatives; not the cost of serving students with disabilities or the total cost of special education services in Vermont.  

The Agency will accept public comments from March 24 through May 10, 2024. Email public comments to with the Subject Line IDEA Part B Public Comment.  

The U.S. Department of Education (USDoE) details specific procedures that states are to follow in order to receive annual grant funds under Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of 2004. Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) at section 76.102 makes clear that the Part B fund applications are considered to be state plans for the use of Part B funding. The USDoE under the General Education Provisions Act (GEPA) at 20 USC1232d (b)(7)(B), sets forth the public participation requirements. GEPA requires each state to publish its proposed application for Part B funds in a manner that will ensure circulation throughout the state at least 60 days before the date on which the application is submitted to the Secretary of Education or on which the application becomes effective, whichever occurs earlier, with an opportunity for public comment on such application to be accepted for at least 30 days.


Vermont Agency of Education IDEA Part B Grant Application – Opportunity for Public Comment 

March 24, 2023 Announcement: Vermont’s Part B Federal Application for Federal Fiscal Year 2023 (FFY23) is available for review from March 24 through May 24, 2023. 

All states applying for funds under Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) are required to make available for public review and comment the application packet for those federal funds. These funds support the provision of special education services to children with disabilities who are ages 3 to 21 in Vermont.

The Vermont Agency of Education has developed a draft application packet for IDEA Part B funds and, by this notice, is making the application available for review and comment. The application packet, developed by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs includes a summary of the assurances, certifications, and IDEA use of fund descriptions the state will use to implement Part B of IDEA. Upon the Office of Special Education Programs’ approval of Vermont's Part B application, the state will receive a federal grant award under Part B of the IDEA for the period of July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024. 

In reviewing the application, please note the following: The application is in a format required by the Office of Special Education Programs. Vermont is providing general assurances to the Office of Special Education Programs that the state will be implementing the provisions of state and federal regulations for Part B of IDEA 2004. The dollar amounts listed in Section III, Use of Funds, are for state-level administration and targeted initiatives; not the cost of serving students with disabilities or the total cost of special education services in Vermont. 

The Agency will accept public comments from March 24 through May 4, 2023. Email public comments to with the Subject Line IDEA Part B Public Comment. 

The U.S. Department of Education (USDoE) details specific procedures that states are to follow in order to receive annual grant funds under Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of 2004. Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) at section 76.102 makes clear that the Part B fund applications are considered to be state plans for the use of Part B funding. The USDoE under the General Education Provisions Act (GEPA) at 20 USC1232d (b)(7)(B), sets forth the public participation requirements. GEPA requires each state to publish its proposed application for Part B funds in a manner that will ensure circulation throughout the state at least 60 days before the date on which the application is submitted to the Secretary of Education or on which the application becomes effective, whichever occurs earlier, with an opportunity for public comment on such application to be accepted for at least 30 days. 


Vermont Agency of Education IDEA Part B Grant Application – Opportunity for Public Comment

March 16, 2022 Announcement: Vermont’s Part B Federal Application for Federal Fiscal Year 2022 (FFY22) is available for review from March 16 through May 16, 2022. All states applying for funds under Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) are required to make available for public review and comment the application packet for those federal funds. These funds support provision of special education services to children with disabilities who are ages 3 to 21 in Vermont. The Vermont Agency of Education has developed a draft application packet for IDEA Part B funds and, by this notice, is making the application available for review and comment. The application packet, developed by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs includes a summary of the assurances, certifications and IDEA use of fund descriptions the state will use to implement Part B of IDEA. Upon the Office of Special Education Programs’ approval of Vermont's Part B application, the state will receive a federal grant award under Part B of the IDEA for the period of July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023. In reviewing the application, please note the following: The application is in a format required by the Office of Special Education Programs. Vermont is providing general assurances to the Office of Special Education Programs that the state will be implementing the provisions of state and federal regulations for Part B of IDEA 2004. The dollar amounts listed in Section III, Use of Funds, are for state-level administration and targeted initiatives; not the cost of serving students with disabilities or the total cost of special education services in Vermont.

The Agency will accept public comments from March 16 through April 16, 2022. Email public comments to with the Subject Line IDEA Part B Public Comment.

The U.S. Department of Education (USDoE) details specific procedures that states are to follow in order to receive annual grant funds under Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of 2004. Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) at section 76.102 makes clear that the Part B fund applications are considered to be state plans for the use of Part B funding. The USDoE under the General Education Provisions Act (GEPA) at 20 USC1232d (b)(7)(B), sets forth the public participation requirements. GEPA requires each state to publish its proposed application for Part B funds in a manner that will ensure circulation throughout the state at least 60 days before the date on which the application is submitted to the Secretary of Education or on which the application becomes effective, whichever occurs earlier, with an opportunity for public comment on such application to be accepted for at least 30 days. 


Vermont Agency of Education IDEA Part B Grant Application – Opportunity for Public Comment has been extended to May 7, 2021

March 16, 2021 Announcement: Vermont’s Part B Federal Application for Federal Fiscal Year 2021 (FFY21) is available for review from March 16 through May 16, 2021 with public comment now closing on May 7, 2021. All states applying for funds under Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) are required to make available for public review and comment the application packet for those federal funds. These funds support provision of special education services to children with disabilities who are ages 3 to 21 in Vermont. The Vermont Agency of Education has developed a draft application packet for IDEA Part B funds and, by this notice, is making the application available for review and comment. The application packet, developed by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs includes a summary of the assurances, certifications and IDEA use of fund descriptions the state will use to implement Part B of IDEA. Upon the Office of Special Education Programs’ approval of Vermont's Part B application, the state will receive a federal grant award under Part B of the IDEA for the period of July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2022. In reviewing the application, please note the following: The application is in a format required by the Office of Special Education Programs. Vermont is providing general assurances to the Office of Special Education Programs that the state will be implementing the provisions of state and federal regulations for Part B of IDEA 2004. The dollar amounts listed in Section III, Use of Funds, are for state-level administration and targeted initiatives; not the cost of serving students with disabilities or the total cost of special education services in Vermont.

The Agency will accept public comments from March 16 through May 7, 2021.  Email public comments to with the Subject Line IDEA Part B Public Comment.

The U.S. Department of Education (USDoE) details specific procedures that states are to follow in order to receive annual grant funds under Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of 2004. Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) at section 76.102 makes clear that the Part B fund applications are considered to be state plans for the use of Part B funding. The USDoE under the General Education Provisions Act (GEPA) at 20 USC1232d (b)(7)(B), sets forth the public participation requirements. GEPA requires each state to publish its proposed application for Part B funds in a manner that will ensure circulation throughout the state at least 60 days before the date on which the application is submitted to the Secretary of Education or on which the application becomes effective, whichever occurs earlier, with an opportunity for public comment on such application to be accepted for at least 30 days. 


Public Hearing on Vermont’s Policy and Procedures: Significant Disproportionality in Special Education

Under 34 C.F.R. 300.646 and 300.647, states must annually collect and examine data to see if significant disproportionality is occurring within the state and at the Local Education Agency (LEA) level. The IDEA regulations also expand the ways that districts must use funds to provide Comprehensive Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CCEIS) to students to address the identified disproportionality and to alleviate barriers to students’ access to curriculum and appropriate supports. The public had the opportunity to participate in two virtual Public Hearing sessions – April 20, 2020 from 11 a.m. to Noon or 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.


11 a.m. to Noon Meeting Minutes
4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Meeting Minutes


Public Comment on Vermont’s FFY2020 IDEA Part B Application

The Agency of Education is seeking comments from the public on the draft FFY20 IDEA Part B Application. The grant application provides assurances that Vermont has policies and procedures in place as required by Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Further, Part B Interactive Spreadsheet provides an overview of how federal funds will be allocated for State Education Agency leadership, oversight, and support, in addition to the total award sought for the State’s Local Education Agencies. The draft grant application is available for you to review. Comments should be submitted to with the Subject header – IDEA Part B Public Comment. As required, the Agency of Education accepted public comments for 30 days from March 13, 2020 through April 13, 2020. The deadline date was extended to April 20, 2020. Contact: Jacqui Kelleher at

Vermont FFY2020 IDEA Part B Application Draft

Part B Interactive Spreadsheet FFY2020 Vermont AOE