The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires each state to develop a state performance plan/annual performance report (SPP/APR) that evaluates the state’s efforts to implement the requirements and purposes of the IDEA and describes how the state will improve its implementation.
The SPP/APRs include indicators that measure child and family outcomes and other indicators that measure compliance with the requirements of the IDEA.
A state is required to submit a state performance plan (SPP) at least every six years. Each year, states must report against the targets in its SPP in an annual performance report (APR).
The Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) uses information from the SPP/APR, information obtained through monitoring visits, and any other public information to annually determine if the state:
- Meets requirements and purposes of the IDEA
- Needs assistance in implementing the requirements of Part B or Part C of the IDEA
- Needs intervention in implementing the requirements of Part B or Part C of the IDEA
- Needs substantial intervention in implementing the requirements of Part B or Part C of the IDEA
Special Education SPP/APR Resource Library
The Special Education IDEA State Performance Plan Resource Library is intended to provide guidance and professional development resources on behalf of students with disabilities by indicator.
Indicator Number: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17
Indicator 1 – Graduation: Percent of youth with IEPs graduating with regular diplomas
- PBGR Access Plan: Modifications to PBGR Performance indicators where needed. John Spinney (and many stakeholders who have provided input and feedback). 8/19/2020
- PBGR Access Plan Blank Template: Blank template of the PBGR-AP. John Spinney. 8/19/2020
- Personalized Learning and Transition Planning: Asynchronous professional learning module series. Lee Ann Jung/Lead Inclusion. 4/19/2020
Indicator 2 – Dropout: Percent of youth with IEPs dropping out
- High School Completion Program (HSCP): The recommended process and considerations for when a student on an IEP accesses HSCP. John Spinney. 1/10/2020
- Vermont Graduation Readiness Tool: Tool for improved IEP team communication related to graduation readiness. John Spinney. 10/17/2020
Indicator 3 - Assessment: A - Percent of districts meeting AYP targets; B - Participation rate; C - Proficiency rate
Vermont Alternate Assessment Selection Process and the Learner Characteristic Inventory: This training is designed as a high-level introduction on accessing the Learner Characteristic Inventory (LCI) and the test selection process. The LCI is the registration tool, and first step educators must take, in order to assign the VTAA to their student. This brief training is not intended to replace the comprehensive Alternate Test Administrator (ATA) certification course found on the Vermont Common Assessment Portal. All educators will need to complete the TA Certification Course to access the LCI and the ATA Certification Course to launch the VTAA. 11/2020
- Vermont’s Alternate Assessment Student Eligibility Criteria: Vermont’s Alternate Assessment Criteria Checklist, Definition, Non-allowable/acceptable considerations for determining participation in an alt. Participation criterion description 4 participation criterion steps in determining if alternate assessment is for a particular student. VT AOE. 5/28/2019
- VTAA Training Video Part 1 - Video Part 2: These are recordings of an in person VTAA training. They provide information on how to administer the VTAA, as well as information about systems that are accessed during the test window and questions from the field. Video is about 54 minutes. VT AOE training. 5/22/2019
- Mathematics Blueprint (Spreadsheet): The Vermont Alternate Assessment test blueprints give a description of assessments and explain how the content will be assessed for grades 3-9 AOE. 5/9/2019
- NGSS Science Blueprint (Spreadsheet): The Vermont Alternate Assessment test blueprints give a description of assessments and explain how the content will be assessed for grades 5, 8, and 11. AOE. 5/9/2019
- ELA Blueprint (Spreadsheet): The Vermont Alternate Assessment test blueprints give a description of assessments and explain how the content will be assessed for grades 3-9. AOE. 5/9/2019
- Performance Assessment Tools and Resources: Arts, ELA, Financial Literacy, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies. VT AOE. 3/21/2019
- Academic Screening Tools Chart: Universal screening can be used to identify which children will need the most intensive intervention. In some cases, children with the weakest initial skills may bypass Tier 2 intervention and move directly into intensive intervention. The tools on the academic screening tools chart can be used to identify students at risk for poor academic outcomes, including students who require intensive intervention. National Center on Intensive Intervention at the American Institutes for Research. 7/2019
- WIDA Alternate ACCESS for ELL’s: (Alternate ACCESS) is a large-print, paper-based test individually administered to students in Grades 1-12 who are identified as English language learners (ELLs) with significant cognitive disabilities who participate, or who would be likely to participate, in their state's alternate content assessment(s). WIDA.
- Instructional and Testing Supports for Students with Disabilities: This module overviews instructional and testing accommodations for students with disabilities, explains how accommodations differ from other kinds of instructional adaptations, defines the four categories of accommodations, and describes how to implement accommodations and evaluate their effectiveness for individual students. 2 hours. IRIS Center.
- Accessing the General Education Curriculum: This module highlights classroom consideration that promote access to the general education curriculum for students with disabilities. 1.5 hours. IRIS Center.
- Selecting Appropriate testing Accommodations for Students with Disabilities: Discusses the importance of understanding the relationship between accommodations and educational assessment practices for students with disabilities 4:33 minutes. IRIS Center. 3/16/2012
- Inclusive Practice Tool: Accessibility Review: Language, cultural, skill, test fatigue.
Indicator 4 – Suspension/Expulsion: Percent of districts with discrepancies
- Equity, Inclusion, and Opportunity: Addressing Success Gaps Indicators of Success Rubric. Guidance on how to identify gaps in performance between groups and subgroups IDEA Data Center. 5/2016
- Positive behavioral supports and interventions, and other strategies: Position statement to address the behavioral needs of students on IEPs. USDOE OSERS. 8/2016
- Defining Disproportionate Discipline Risk Index, Risk Ratio: Resource guide Pyramid Equity Project. 3/2017
- Do Schools Implementing SWPBIS Have Decreased Racial and Ethnic Disproportionality in School Discipline?: Comparing schools implementing SWPBIS to non-PBIS schools regarding patterns in discipline-Evaluation brief. PBIS/OSEP TA Center. 3/2018
- Policy Analysis: The Status of School Discipline in State Policy: Summary of research regarding suspension and expulsion; disparities in suspensions and expulsions; alternatives to exclusionary discipline-Summary of policy trends and considerations Education Commission of the States. 1/2019
- Alternatives to Suspensions and Expulsions: A Teacher and Administrator Guide to School Discipline. Evidence-based methods of behavior management and discipline policy. Indiana DOE.
- Addressing the Root Causes of Disparities in School Discipline. Digging into data, creating action plan. Safe Supportive Learning. 7/2015
- Locked Out of the Classroom: How Implicit Bias Contributes to Disparities in School Discipline: Implicit bias and interventions to limit it. Dignity in Schools. 2017
Indicator 5 - Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) Placement: Percent of students in varying amounts of general education settings
Indicator 6 - Early Childhood Settings: Percent of children 3-5 in various placements
Indicator 7 - Preschool Skills: Percent of children ages 3-5 with improved skills
Indicator 8 - Parent Involvement: Percent of parents reporting school facilitated parent involvement
- VTmtss Family Engagement Toolkit and Self-Assessment: Develop and grow family engagement. VT AOE. 12/19/2020
- Title I Parent and Family Engagement Resources for parents. VT AOE. 11/8/2017
- Engaging Families of Children With Disabilities Family Engagement Resource Provider Project-Webinar: US-DOE. Sally Wade. 5/2014
Indicator 9 - Disproportionate Representation Special Education
- Assessment of School Practices Related to Inclusive Education: Comprehensive assessment and planning tools. Stetson and Associates. 10/2018
- Examples of Engaging Instruction to Increase Equity in Education: A list of evidence-based instructional strategies, their purposes, and basic descriptions of each. PBIS/OSEP TA Center. 9/2015
- Supporting Student Success through Culturally Responsive Practice: A focus on the design of what you teach and your relationships with your students. Dr. Renae Azziz, Indiana DOE. 8/2018
- Culturally Responsive Teaching: A Guide to Evidence Based Practices for Teaching All Students Equitably: Teacher expectations; teacher skills; caring and community building; cultivating cross-cultural communication; matching instruction to learning style; creating equitable classroom climate. Region X Equity Assistance Center at Education Northwest. 3/2016
- Addressing Racial Disproportionality in Special Education: Data, policies, practices, family - Louisiana DOE SPDG Grant. Louisiana DOE. 3/2015
- Racial Equity Analysis Tool, Facilitator’s Guide: Questions designed to develop, implement, and evaluate policies, initiatives, professional development, programs, practices, budget issues to address impacts on racial equity. Assessment tool. Seattle Public Schools.
- Sequence of Modules: Racial identity; micro-aggressions; white privilege/color line; implicit bias; institutional racism; culturally responsive instruction. Seattle Public Schools Department of Racial Equity Advancement. 11/2014
Indicator 10 - Disproportionate Representation in racial/ethnic groups in specific disability categories
- Assessment of School Practices Related to Inclusive Education: Comprehensive assessment and planning tools. Stetson and Associates. 10/2018
- Preventing Disproportionality through Non-discriminatory, Tiered Services: Tier 1, 2, and 3 supports to address disproportionality; common pitfalls and recommended actions. Midwest and Plains Equity Assistance Center. 2018
- Examples of Engaging Instruction to Increase Equity in Education. A list of evidence-based instructional strategies, their purposes, and basic descriptions of each. PBIS/OSEP TA Center. 9/2015
- Supporting Student Success through Culturally Responsive Practice: A focus on the design of what you teach and your relationships with your students. Dr. Renae Azziz, Indiana DOE. 8/2018
Culturally Responsive Teaching: A Guide to Evidence Based Practices for Teaching All Students Equitably. Teacher expectations; teacher skills; caring and community building; cultivating cross-cultural communication; matching instruction to learning style; creating equitable classroom climate. Region X Equity Assistance Center at Education Northwest. 3/2016
Addressing Racial Disproportionality in Special Education. Data, policies, practices, family. Louisiana DOE. 3/2015
Racial Equity Analysis Tool, Facilitator’s Guide. Questions designed to develop, implement, and evaluate policies, initiatives, professional development, programs, practices, budget issues to address impacts on racial equity. Seattle Public Schools.
Sequence of Modules: Racial identity; micro-aggressions; white privilege/color line; implicit bias; institutional racism; culturally responsive instruction. Seattle Public Schools Department of Racial Equity Advancement. 11/2014
Indicator 11 - Child Find: Percent of children evaluated within 60 days
- Common Areas of Delay and Resources Surrounding Timelines and Child Find
- Indicator 11, Timelines, and Required Paperwork Slide Deck
- Indicator 11, Timelines, and Required Paperwork Webinar (Video)
- IRIS definition IRIS Center
- SBE-NC Project Child Find: NC Agency of Education. Brochure for families in English and Spanish.
- Wisconsin Dept. of Ed FAQ for Ages 3-5: 2/18/2020
- Wrightslaw The Child Find Mandate: What Does It Mean to You? by Pamela Wright & Pete Wright, Esq Created: 09/25/2007, Updated: 01/08/2019
Indicator 12 - Part C to Part B Transition: Percent of eligible children with IEP before 3rd birthday
Indicator 13 - Secondary Transition: Percent of students 16+ years old with measurable annual goals
**All of these and much more are in the Secondary Transition of the VT AOE website.
Vermont Indicator 13 Suite of Tools
- Individualized Education Program Post-Secondary Transition Plan Template (Fillable Form): This is Vermont’s new post-secondary transition plan template of the IEP. This template has embedded technical assistance to improve Indicator 13 documentation.
- Individualized Education Program Post-Secondary Transition Plan Sample - Jodi (From the Case Study Project): This is a sample IEP transition plan on the new form using a fictional student named Jodi from the VT AOE Case Study Project.
- Vermont Indicator 13 Checklist – Self Assessment for Special Educators: This one page tool for high school special educators is designed to be a quick reference guide to the 8 elements of Indicator 13 as well as an easy way to self-assess for I-13 compliance.
- Vermont Indicator 13 Technical Assistance Sheet: This is an in-depth technical assistance sheet for completing the Indicator 13 checklist.
All Other Indicator 13 Resources
- Transition Guide to Postsecondary Education and Employment for Students and Youth with Disabilities
- Continuation of Special Education Services: Provision for Students Turning 22
- NTACT Transition Assessment Toolkit, is a comprehensive guide to transition assessments.
- Transition Assessment Planning form is a tool which helps IEP teams determine what assessments will be done and when.
- Graduation Readiness Tool: The Vermont Graduation Readiness Tool is designed to address a long standing challenge for IEP teams in VT, which is, how to determine the graduation date for students with disabilities particularly students with developmental disabilities.
- Implementing Transition Services During Remote Learning is a resource document which provides recommendations for the local-level provision of transition services during remote learning, with the goal of ensuring continued quality implementation of special education.
- Vermont Indicator 13 Comprehensive Checklist
- Participation in Graduation Activities for Students Eligible for Special Education
- Personalized Learning and Transition Planning Module Series, a professional learning opportunity presented by Lee Ann Jung and Lead Inclusion - In this five module series participants will identify and explore the implications for students with disabilities accessing personalized learning plans and proficiency-based graduation requirements. This module series is a companion to the VT AOE Case Study Learning Project. These modules were created by Lee Ann Jung, a nationally recognized expert on disability, inclusion, personalization and proficiency-based learning.
- Postsecondary Transition Planning Presentation 2020. All 8 elements of Indicator 13. John Spinney 8/19/2020
- Proficiency-Based Graduation Requirements (PBGR) – Access Plan
- Proficiency-Based Graduation Requirements (PBGR) – Access Plan (Blank Template)
- Dual Enrollment: Implications for Special Education
- Dual Enrollment: Disability Services Contact Information
- Career and Technical Education Resources Related to Disability
- Vermont AOE Case Study Project
The Vermont AOE Case Study Project provides exemplars of the inter-relationship between a student’s personalized learning plan (PLP), IEP transition plan and the student’s pathway to meeting proficiency-based graduation requirements (PBGRs).
Indicator 14 - Secondary Transition: Percent of youth engaged in post-secondary studies or meaningful work
- Personalized Learning and Transition Planning Module Series: A professional learning opportunity presented by Lee Ann Jung. 5 modules. Lee Ann Jung/Lead Inclusion.
- Vermont AOE Case Study Learning Project: PLPs, Secondary Transition planning in special education, PBGR access. Lee Ann Jung and Nicole Dezarn of Lead Inclusion.
- Transition Toolkit for Youth with Disabilities (Parent Resource) Transition Planning
Indicator 15 - Hearing Requests Resolved
- Rights of Parents: VT AOE. 6/1/2018
- Procedural Safeguards
Indicator 16 - Mediation: Percent of mediations resulting in agreement
- IDEA Special Education Mediation - A Guide for Parents: General mediation guide. CADRE/IDEAs that Work.
- IDEA Special Education Due Process: Complaints/ Hearing Requests General Due Process guide. CADRE/IDEAs that Work.
- IDEA Special Education Resolution Meetings: Special Education Resolution. CADRE/IDEAs that Work.
- Rights of Parents. VT AOE. 6/1/2018
- Procedural Safeguards
Indicator 17 - State Systemic Improvement Plan
- SSIP Reports. VT AOE.
- SSIP Resources: AOE.
- WestEd NCSI SPP/APR reporting requirements: All Indicators required for reporting WestEd.
- SiMR/IRIS Resource Alignment: Early Childhood, graduation, math, post-secondary, reading and math, ELA IRIS.