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Volume 11, Issue 26

June 28, 2017

Register for Child Nutrition Programs Summer Institute 

Audience: School Food Service, Administrators, Principals, Business Managers, Nurses, Farm to School Coordinators, Child/Adult Care Providers
Registration for the Child Nutrition Summer Institute is now open. This year’s Summer Institute will take place at St. Johnsbury Academy from August 7-11, 2017.  This year we are offering over 50 half-day, full-day and multi-day classes. You may register for just one class, a whole day, or multiple days. The registration deadline for most classes is July 26, 2017, however, the deadline for some classes (including the New Manager’s class) is June 30, 2017. Early registration deadlines are noted in the class descriptions.
Contact: Cheryl Rogers at (802) 479-1360 or

Interagency Core Teams Collaboration Event

Audience: Special Educators, Guidance Counselors, Vocational Rehab Staff, Development Services Staff, Mental Health Professionals
Save the date for the Interagency Core Teams Collaboration Event on October 17, 2017, dedicated to improving the transition to life after high school for students with disabilities. It is an opportunity to support our interagency teams through opportunities to share resources, learn from each other, and create meaningful and effective transitions to adulthood for students with disabilities.
Contact: Tara Howe, VocRehab Transition Program Director, at or John Spinney, Post-Secondary Transition Coordinator, at

Combined Incident Reporting Software

Audience: Principals
We have received many calls about errors occurring in the Combined Incident Reporting Software (CIRS), related to the age and the grade levels of students committing offenses. The errors are non-critical, which means that you can still export your data once you verify that the entered information is correct. Please call the Help Desk at (802) 479-1044 if these errors block export.
Contact: Mike Bailey at (802) 479-1165 or

Tech Coordinators Summit

Audience: All
The Agency of Education, in partnership with CoSN and Vita-Learn, is hosting a Tech Coordinators Summit on July 18, 2017 from 8:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. at Bethel’s Whitcomb Jr./Sr. High School. Workshops and speakers will include a session with the FBI on the security of school networks, cybersecurity, a deep dive into student data privacy, as well as a variety of other topics. All tech coordinators and network personnel are invited. Register for the Tech Coordinators Summit.
Contact: Peter Drescher at (802) 479-1169 or

Courtesy Postings

The views, opinions, and resources shared in this section of the WFM are solely those of the original contributors. The Agency of Education does not endorse the views expressed by these contributors and reserves the right to refuse submissions. Questions related to any of these resources should be directed to the organizations, people and opportunities as shared.

Vermont Association of School Psychologists Fall Conference

Save the date for a conference of interest to anyone who works with struggling readers and/or wants to learn how findings from current reading science can prevent most reading problems. The conference, Recent Advances in Understanding Word-Level Reading Difficulities: Implications for Assessment, Prevention, and Highly Successful Intervention, will be held October 13, 2017 at the Sheraton Hotel in South Burlington. Dr. David Kilpatrick, school psychologist, professor, and researcher at SUNY Cortland, has pored over wide-ranging reading research that most of us would never have the time or drive to look into and conveys findings in clear language, and with practical examples and recommendations. His work bridges the gap between reading research and educational practice, informing us of what we need to know and do to address reading problems. While assessment procedures and instructional practices are suggested or discouraged in his presentation, he is not affiliated with specific curriculum materials or assessment batteries. Register for the Vermont Association of School Psychologists Fall conference.
Contact: Katey Wisse at

There is Still Time to Register for Vermont Higher Education Collaborative's Summer Autism Offerings

Vermont Higher Education Collaborative (VT-HEC) is offering two summer opportunities in the field of Autism. The first is a three-day intensive training on "Applying Structured Teaching across the School Day," July 11-13, 2017 in Newport, VT.  Participants will learn to use a planning framework tool and software (included) to analyze and design appropriate physical and visual structure across the school day using the foundational principles of structured teaching. Participants can also choose to take this training for one graduate credit. The second is a three-credit graduate course, "Building Social and Adaptive Skills in Individuals with ASD," being held July 7-27, 2017 in Montpelier, with four face-to-face meetings during that time.  The course will highlight promising practice research-based based instructional strategies related to building social and adaptive skills. Students will learn to develop appropriate goals and intervention plans related to building these skills. Register for the VT-HEC Summer Autism offerings.
Contact:  Julie Medose at (802) 498-3350 or

Creating a Maker Space in Your School

The Champlain Valley Educator Development Center (VCEDC)will host a workshop August 14-15, 2017 with Lucie DeLaBruere at the Generator Makerspace and Burlington Tech's new Makerspace. This great introductory workshop includes materials, meals and so much information on how to get started and innovate your classroom or school. Register for the Makerspace workshop through CVEDC.
Contact: Lauren Wooden, Executive Director, at

Family Engagement in Windham County

This conference for educators, community service and healthcare providers, families and community leaders will be held September 19, 2017 in Brattleboro, Vermont. It is free to those who work or live in Windham County. Learn more about Family Engagement in Windham County.
Contact: Catherine Diduk at

Snowy Owl Tutoring

At Snowy Owl Tutoring we are proud to offer several of our services for free to students, including our virtual town halls as well as our virtual college fairs. Our mission at Snowy Owl is to provide Vermonters of all ages with the highest quality, most convenient and affordable educational opportunities available. This manifests itself in many different services, including online tutoring, virtual forums, assemblies and town halls, as well as real-time classes.
Contact: Tom Loudon, Founder, at

Subscribe Online

The field memo has time-sensitive and relevant information designed for students, teachers, and staff. The agency encourages principals, headmasters, and superintendents to share the memo with their education community. Additionally, individuals can subscribe or unsubscribe online.

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