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Volume 11, Issue 5

February 1, 2017

The Vermont State Plan Public Comment Period is Open

Audience: All
The Vermont State Plan, created in response to the federal requirements of the Every Students Succeeds Act (ESSA), is open for public comment. The plan intends to consider the ESSA requirements within the context of the state’s goals and priorities as expressed through the Education Quality Standards.  The comment window began in mid-January and runs through February 11, 2017. The plan’s efficacy depends in large part on reflecting the voices of all Vermonters. Learn more about the Vermont State Plan public comment process online.
Contact: Chris Case, Education Project Manager, at (802) 479-1179 or, or Patrick Halladay, Education Project Manager, at (802) 479-1712 or

Licensing Updates

Audience: Vermont Educators
In our continuing efforts for greater efficiency in the application process, the Licensing Office has revised its practice related to issuance of Educator License Renewals. In order to renew an Educator License, the agency must have a complete criminal record check on file. Read the memo

Courtesy Postings

Vermont Council on Reading Spring Conference

Please join us on April 7, 2017 for the Vermont Council on Reading Spring Conference featuring Chris Lehman, keynote speaker. In addition to the keynote, there will be several breakout workshops by local educators. Chris is the co-author of "Falling in Love with Close Reading" as well as a senior staff developer with the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project. Register online through the Vermont Council on Reading.
Contact: Lindy Johnson at

Vermont State School Nurse Association's Spring Conference

The Vermont State School Nurse Association's (VSSNA) Spring Conference "Sharpening Skills to Improve Student Assessment" is March 31, 2017 at Norwich University. The VSSNA is partnering with Norwich University's nursing program to offer clinical skill development in their teaching labs.  Also, breakout sessions will offer practical information from providers and school nurses on a variety of relevant topics.  Space is limited so register early through the VSSNA website or the online brochure.
Contact: Louisa Driscoll, president of VSSNA, at

NGSS for All Students Through Personalized, Proficiency-Based Learning

Reminder: This workshop for middle and high school science teachers and coaches with Liz Mirra is on April 17, 2017. Learn more and register through the Champlain Valley Educator Development Center.
Contact: Lauren Wooden at

Rosie’s Girls STEM Leadership Overnight Camps & Mentorship Program (3rd year)

For Vermont girls entering 9th and 10th grades (fall 2017) – at Vermont Tech, Randolph Center Campus, June 19 - 23, 2017 or July 10 - 14, 2017.  Modeled after Rosie’s Girls Day Camps by Vermont Works for Women, these residential camps help build strong, powerful confident young women through hands-on exploration of STEM programs & skilled trades, (CIT/CIS,   Civil/Environ, Arch, Mechanical and Advanced Manuf Engineering Technology) loads of activities, arts, career exploration, plus more. Low cost - some scholarships. Learn more and apply online through Vermont Technical College.
Contact: Page Spiess at

Everything You Waned to Know About Google but Were Afraid to Ask

This series of three workshops will be held by Lisa Barry and Joanne Finnegan on April 5, April 11 and April 19, 2017. These workshops are perfect for gaining familiarity and skills in Gmail, Calendar, Google+ in session one, Google Drive, Docs/Sheets, Add-Ons in session two, and Google forms, Google Keep and Google Drawing in Session three. Learn more from the Champlain Valley Educator Development Center.
Contact: Lauren Wooden at

Credit Online Graduate Course - Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug (ATOD) Education

This online course is offered as one of a series of courses by the Vermont Education Collaborative toward health education endorsement. Students taking the course for credit and successfully complete the course will receive one graduate credit through Union Institute and University. This course is offered so that teachers and health and guidance personnel have a sufficient level of professional development to enable them to competently teach or provide other services required in the school's ATOD prevention education program. The course begins April 30, 2017, and tuition is $550.00.  Learn more and register online through Health and Learning.
Contact: Catherine Diduk at

Subscribe Online

The field memo has time-sensitive and relevant information designed for students, teachers, and staff. The agency encourages principals, headmasters, and superintendents to share the memo with their education community. Additionally, individuals can subscribe or unsubscribe online.

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