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Volume 18, Issue 13

April 24, 2024


The Agency of Education created the weekly field memo to keep subscribers up-to-date with current education policy, state-wide education initiatives, and official messages from the AOE. The Weekly Field Memo contains education-related posts from the Agency of Education (AOE), other State of Vermont agencies, federal agencies or Vermont's congressional delegation.

Contents: April 24, 2024

Register for the BEST/VTmtss Summer Institute

Audience: Educators, Support Staff, School Teams, Administrators
BEST/VTmtss Summer Institute registration spots are filling up. Gather your team, review strand and workshop descriptions, and then register. We have many exciting strands this year, including Everyday Equity: Achieving Equity in Your School Every Day in Every Way with Toni Harrison-Kelly and Sharla Horton-Williams, Systems to Support Young Children: Implementing Early MTSS and Pyramid Model with Kate Rogers and Lori Meyer, and No Such Thing as a Bad Kid with Charlie Appelstein.
Contact: Laura Greenwood at

Measles Partner Messaging Toolkit for Schools and Childcare Providers

Audience: School Nurses and Health Care Professionals
Measles cases are on the rise in the United States. Most cases reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have been among children aged 12 months and older who have not been vaccinated against measles. Many cases have been linked to international travel. The Health Department created a Measles Partner Messaging Toolkit for Schools and Child Care Providers which is now available on the Measles Information for Providers page and in the Vermont School Health Resources section. For more information on measles and vaccines, please visit
Contact: Ilsa Stalberg at

Implementation of Revised Health and Physical Education SHAPE Standards Questionnaire

Audience: Physical Education and Health Education Educators, Curriculum Directors
The Agency of Education (AOE) is working to develop resources and supports for the implementation of the newly revised Health and Physical Education standards from SHAPE America. In order to meet the needs of educators, health and physical education educators are being asked to fill out the following questionnaire(s) for their specific subject and grade areas: Health Elementary, Health Middle/High, Physical Education Elementary and Physical Education Middle/High. The data from these questionnaires will be reviewed by a group of educators and members of the AOE to help form statewide model K-12 Proficiency-Based Graduation Requirements, Critical Proficiencies, and Priority Performance Indicators.
Contact: Ian Burfoot-Rochford at

Vermont Multi-tiered System of Supports System Screener Focus Group

Audience: SU/District staff with Previous Experience using the VTmtss System Screener
The Vermont Multi-tiered System of Supports (VTmtss) Team is in the process of revising the VTmtss System Screener. We will host a focus group opportunity on May 31, 2024, from 1-2 p.m. for participants to give feedback on our proposed revisions. This opportunity is open to previous users of the VTmtss System Screener, but space is limited. Please contact Tom Faris if you are interested in participating.
Contact: Tom Faris at

Vermont Public: But Why Bites

Audience: Vermont Educators
Explore Vermont Public’s But Why Bites – a biweekly 1-minute video series – and answer the question How Do Chameleons Change Color? Additionally, visit the Vermont Public Educators page for more recommendations for high-quality resources.
Contacts: Emily Leute at or Heather Duhamel at

Summit on Artificial Intelligence and Education

Audience: Vermont Educators, Secondary Teachers and Administrators
The nonprofit aiVermont team, in coordination with the AOE and other partners across the state, launches its 3-year initiative to improve digital literacy with a day-long summit for secondary educators on June 27, 2024, at Burlington’s Hula. Participants will explore common concerns and potential benefits of using AI tools from both student and teacher perspectives. Includes guest speakers, demos, hands-on experiences, networking, and foundations for future work. Space limited to first 100 registrants. Details at
Contact: Chris Thompson at

BEST/Act 230 Grant Applications Open April 24th 2024

Audience: Superintendents, Directors of Special Education, Principals, Early Education Coordinators, Business Managers
Applications for FY25 BEST/Act 230 grants open April 24, 2024. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until June 30, 2024. BEST and Act 230 funds are intended for training and professional learning to support teachers, administrators and other personnel in creating equitable, rigorous learning environments for students with social, emotional, behavioral and academic needs.
Contact: Laura Greenwood at

Vermont Multi-tiered System of Supports Survey Opens May 1, 2024

Audience: Principals, Superintendents, MTSS Coordinators
The annual Vermont Multi-Tiered System of Supports (VTmtss) Statewide Survey will be released on May 1, 2024, with a closing date of May 31, 2024. This survey will be completed online by principals and is required by the state of Vermont. It provides the AOE with data about the use of the VTmtss Framework in schools. The 2023-2024 VTmtss Survey Questions can help folks to prepare all necessary data before the Survey opens in May.
Contact: Caitlin Chisholm at

Summary of Competitive ARP-ESSER Grant: Improving Student Academic Outcomes in Computer Science, English Language Arts and Literacy, and Mathematics

Audience: Superintendents, Curriculum Directors, Principals
The Vermont Agency of Education launched a competitive grant in January 2024, with American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Relief state set-aside funding, to improve student learning in computer science, English language arts and literacy, and mathematics. This summary document includes the total amount of funds awarded, the percentage of SU/SDs receiving funding, and grant award details which include the content area(s) and EQS investment strategies. This funding opportunity supports Local Education Authorities in improving academic outcomes by focusing on addressing the specific harms caused by the COVID-19 emergency and improving the core functions of our schools.
Contact: Jess DeCarolis at

Vermont Public: Explore the Outdoors

Audience: Vermont Educators
Explore the outdoors with But Why Podcast for Curious Kids and Vermont Public. Visit Vermont Public’s Families webpage and share these great podcasts with families and to answer the question Why do seasons change? Additionally, visit the Vermont Public Educators page for more recommendations for high-quality resources.
Contacts: Emily Leute at or Heather Duhamel at

Save the Date: BTA Workshop for Current BTA Teams

Audience: School Administrators, Current Behavior Threat Assessment Team Members
The AOE, in partnership with the Vermont School Safety Center, is pleased to announce a Behavioral Threat Assessment Team (BTAT) Workshop. This workshop is designed to support current BTA teams in building effective procedures under the new requirements of Act 29 of 2023. This will be a one-day, hybrid conference with opportunity to attend in person or remotely on May 21, 2024. The workshop is likely to be in Central Vermont and is an all-day event. Information about the location will be communicated in the coming weeks. Please register via the 2024 BTA Workshop Registration Form by May 3, 2024.
Contact: Taylor Goodwin at

Communities of Practice: School & Youth Community Recovery

Audience: Vermont School and District Staff
In 2024, the AOE established a new network focused on school and district community support. This network provides opportunities for school and district staff to connect with peers, experts from across the state, and local support organizations focused on school community wellness and recovery. The next meetings are on May 8 and June 12, 2024, from 1 p.m.-2:30 p.m. The last half hour is an optional peer-to-peer time for our field partners. If you would like to receive an MS Teams calendar invitation to this meeting, please reach out to with the subject line “SYRP Meeting Request”.
Contact: Taylor Goodwin at

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The field memo has time-sensitive and relevant information designed for students, teachers, and staff. The agency encourages principals, headmasters, and superintendents to share the memo with their education community. Additionally, individuals can subscribe or unsubscribe online.

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