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Volume 18, Issue 20

June 14, 2024


The Agency of Education created the weekly field memo to keep subscribers up-to-date with current education policy, state-wide education initiatives, and official messages from the AOE. The Weekly Field Memo contains education-related posts from the Agency of Education (AOE), other State of Vermont agencies, federal agencies or Vermont's congressional delegation.

Contents: June 14, 2024

FY24 State-Placed Students Count Memo

Audience: Superintendents, Principals, Special Education Coordinators, Business Managers
State-placed students generate their average daily membership through state-placed student data reporting. The State-Placed Students Count Form FY-2024 is due Monday, July 15. Every public school must submit a report. Read the full Memo: Count of State-Placed Students Data Collection.
Contact: Cathy Scott at

Heat Preparedness Resources

Audience: School Communities, Childcare Providers
With summer temperatures nearing, the Vermont Department of Health, in partnership with the AOE, has provided heat preparedness resources for school communities and childcare providers. The VDH and AOE also hosted a Heat Preparedness Webinar, which was recorded and is now available for viewing on the AOE Act 29 Website, along with relevant materials shared.
Contact: Taylor Goodwin at

Vermont Public: Get Smart with the Arts

Audience: Vermont Educators
Renowned cellist Yo-Yo Ma shows a group of children how music can express different moods and emotions. In this Musical Expression video from the PBS KIDS series PINKALICIOUS & PETERRIFIC, Yo-Yo Ma challenges the children to play a piece that communicates how they’re feeling. Then the group creates music together. PBS LearningMedia is FREE and accessible to families. Visit the Vermont Public Families page for more recommendations for high-quality resources.
Contacts: Emily Leute at or Heather Duhamel at

Peer Review Panelists Wanted

Audience: Currently Licensed Vermont Educators
The Agency of Education’s Peer Review program needs licensed educators to serve as Panelists for the new state fiscal year starting July 1, 2024, and ending June 30, 2025. Panelists receive $175 per review. Please note that the previous auto insurance requirement is no longer needed for Peer Review Panelists. The work of a Panelist involves evaluating a candidate’s portfolio (approximately 2-4 hours) and participating in additional follow up questions or reviews of evidence, as needed. If you are interested, complete the online Small Scale Education Contract Survey FY25 by June 15, 2024. All endorsement areas are welcome to submit if interested. 
Contacts: Michelle Farrington at

Integrating Regulation for the Mental Health and Well-being of Vermont Educators

Audience: Superintendents, Principals, Teachers
Through a contract with the AOE, Amie Koontz, an integrative psychotherapist and former educator in Vermont, is offering 8 hours of free interactive, psycho/educational professional development to 20 Vermont schools. This professional development is available on a first come first served basis. The training will provide participating teams with an understanding of the interpersonal neurobiology that affects us all and how it changes in response to our experiences and environment. The training includes strategies to recognize and understand dysregulation in themselves and their students, concrete practices and skills to “stay in the green zone” and effectively self-regulate under less than ideal circumstances as well as co-regulate with students in beneficial ways.
Contacts: Amie Koontz at or (802) 327-3720

Subscribe Online

The field memo has time-sensitive and relevant information designed for students, teachers, and staff. The agency encourages principals, headmasters, and superintendents to share the memo with their education community. Additionally, individuals can subscribe or unsubscribe online.

Questions? Email Ted Fisher at