The Agency of Education created the weekly field memo to keep subscribers up-to-date with current education policy, state-wide education initiatives, and official messages from the AOE. The Weekly Field Memo contains education-related posts from the Agency of Education (AOE), other State of Vermont agencies, federal agencies or Vermont's congressional delegation.
Contents: December 18, 2024
- School Budget Training Resources
- Webinar on Using Assessment Data to Get Results: Fidelity and Perception Data Matter
- Vermont Multi-Tiered System of Supports Professional Learning Providers (2024)
- Disability Determination and Eligibility: Specific Learning Disability Training
- Best Practices in IEP Transition Plan Development Training
- Division of Family and Child Health Survey
- Post-Secondary Transition Basics
- Vermont Public: Teach Your Way
- Vermont Public: PBS Kids Resources for Arts and Science
- Center and Program Track State Afterschool Grant Applications are Now Live in GMS
- Community School Foundations Grant Announcement
School Budget Training Resources
Audience: Education professionals
Please see the School Budget Training Resources link to the AOE website to access webinar recordings and other materials relevant to the school budgeting professional development series provided by the AOE and New Solutions K12.
Contact: Taylor Goodwin at taylor.goodwin@vermont.gov
Webinar on Using Assessment Data to Get Results: Fidelity and Perception Data Matter
Audience: Leadership Teams, including VTPBIS School Coordinators, Administrators, SU/SD Coordinators, and other Leadership Team members
As schools implement PBIS/MTSS, assessing whether they are implementing with fidelity and how key partners perceive the efforts is critical to success. This webinar will introduce a variety of assessment tools (Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI), Self-Assessment Survey (SAS), School Climate Surveys) and the Team Initiated Problem-solving (TIPS) protocol to help teams efficiently analyze their data. Participants will learn how to access, complete, and analyze results. Participants will also see examples of how schools present and share their data with staff, families/caregivers, and other partners. The webinar will be held on Thursday, January 9, 2025, from 9:00am-10:00am. Join us by registering for this webinar!
Contact: Anne Dubie at Anne.Dubie@uvm.edu
Vermont Multi-Tiered System of Supports Professional Learning Providers (2024)
Audience: Administrators, VTmtss Coordinators
This PDF contains a list of vendors who provide MTSS professional development, in alignment with the VTmtss Framework. Providers on this list have demonstrated knowledge of the VTmtss Framework and experience supporting educators in VTmtss implementation. Inclusion on this list does not constitute an endorsement from the State of Vermont; school systems are encouraged to conduct additional research and reference checks to identify the resource(s) that will work best for their needs. This list of vendors will be updated periodically. The Suggested Criteria and Questions PDF includes information used to identify the providers on this list. SU/SD/schools may choose to use this information when selecting professional learning providers to support expanding and improving the systemic infrastructure provided by the VTmtss Framework.
Contact: Nancy Hellen at nancy.hellen@vermont.gov
Disability Determination and Eligibility Training: Specific Learning Disability
Audience: Pathway (D) Participants, New teachers to the State, Newly Licensed Teachers and Graduates, Special Education Endorsement Candidates, General Education Teachers, High School Special Education Teachers, Educational Support Teams (EST) Members, Evaluation Team Members, Related Service Providers, Interventionists
Participants attending this training can expect to review Special Education Disability and Eligibility for Specific Learning Disability in Vermont. This session will be held on Jan. 13, 2025, from 8-9:30 a.m. and Jan. 15, 2025, from 3-4:30 p.m. Please register for Disability Determination and Eligibility: Specific Learning Disability with Cassie Santo and Ernie Wheeler.
Contact: Cassie Santo at cassie.santo@vermont.gov
Best Practices in IEP Transition Plan Development Training
Audience: Vermont High School Special Educators and Special Education Directors
This training will cover all aspects of the IEP Transition plan, including best practices and Indicator 13 compliance requirements around the eight elements that need to be included in the plan. There will be emphasis on identifying necessary transition skills that students need and how to build goals that support development of those skills. We will also go over common areas of noncompliance found during the monitoring process. This session will be held on Jan. 14, 2025, from 3:30-4:30 p.m. Please register for Best Practices in IEP Transition Plan Development Training
Contact: John Spinney at john.spinney@vermont.gov
Division of Family and Child Health Survey
Audience: Vermont parents and caregivers
The Division of Family and Child Health of the Vermont Department of Health has distributed a survey designed to capture the needs of children, adolescents, young adults, parents/caregivers/guardians in Vermont. The results of this survey will inform future programs and activities to better meet those needs. All individuals taking the survey can be entered into a drawing to win a $50 gift card. Please use the Vermont Department of Health Survey link to complete the survey. The deadline for completion is Wednesday, December 18, 2024. Thank you for your participation.
Contact: Emily Smith at Emily.J.Smith@vermont.gov
Post-Secondary Transition Basics
Audience: Pathway (D) Participants, New teachers to the State, Newly Licensed Teachers and Graduates, Special Education Endorsement Candidates, General Education Teachers, High School Special Education Teachers, Educational Support Teams (EST) Members, Evaluation Team Members, Related Service Providers, Interventionists
This training will provide an overview for all of the items that special educators need to know related to best practices and Indicator 13 compliance for the IEP Transition plan. Additionally, this training will cover the graduation readiness tool, the summary of performance and a brief overview of the LEA Transition capacity building rubric. This session will be held on Jan. 23, 2025, from 9-10 a.m. and from 1-2 p.m. Please register for Post-Secondary Transition Basics with John Spinney.
Contact: John Spinney at john.spinney@vermont.gov
Vermont Public: Teach Your Way
Audience: Vermont educators, PreK-2 educators
Teach Your Way from Vermont Public and PBS KIDS is a supplemental collection that includes resources aligned to themes and skills for PreK-2 students. From exploring resources like video clips, interactive games, printables, self-paced professional learning opportunities, classroom posters, and more, choose which you will integrate to support your young learners. Check out the new Seasons and Weather Teach Your Way calendar and teacher planner to integrate media in creative and developmentally appropriate ways, all year long. Visit the PBS LearningMedia Ready to Learn collection for even more science, math, art, and social-emotional learning resources.
Contacts: Emily Leute at emily.leute@vermont.gov or Heather Duhamel at hduhamel@vermontpublic.org
Vermont Public: PBS Kids Resources for Arts and Science
Audience: Vermont educators, PreK/K educators
Help young students learn about the colorful world around them with Elements of Art. Encourage students to immerse themselves in learning about different elements of art like colors, shapes, lines, and textures. These lessons have been co-designed by museum and educational partners and feature many of your favorite PBS KIDS friends. PNC Grow Up Great has teamed up with Vermont Public and PBS KIDS to elevate free, bilingual, media-rich arts and science-based lesson plans that empower children to expand their natural curiosity. Check out more thematic resources in Changing Seasons, All About Me, Community Helpers, and Healthy Me.
Contacts: Emily Leute at emily.leute@vermont.gov or Heather Duhamel at hduhamel@vermontpublic.or
Center and Program Track State Afterschool Grant Applications are Now Live in GMS
Audience: Superintendents, Principals, and Afterschool Directors
The Agency of Education is pleased to announce that the applications for the Center and Program Track State Afterschool Grants are now live and accepting submissions in GMS. These grants are designed to support the development and expansion of Afterschool and Summer programs. The due date for the Center Track Application has been moved to January 29, 2025, and the Program Track’s due date has been moved to December 18, 2024. Please reach out for any assistance in accessing or submitting your application.
Contact person: Johannes Haensch at Johannes.haensch@vermont.gov
Community School Foundations Grant Announcement
Audience: Principals and Superintendents
The AOE is pleased to announce the release of the Community School Foundations grant opportunity. This grant competition is intended to support the implementation of new Community School initiatives with award amounts up to $120,000. For more information about Community Schools generally or about this competition specifically, please see our Act 67 – Community Schools Website.
Contact person: Johannes Haensch at Johannes.haensch@vermont.gov