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Weekly Field Memo: Recent News and Items of Interest From the Agency

February 19, 2025
A Weekly Field Memo title graphic indicating the week of publication: February 19, 2025

Contents: February 19, 2025 

NCAS Announces Review of National Arts Standards

AudienceArts Educators (Dance, Media Arts, Music, Theater, and Visual Arts), Curriculum Directors and Coordinators

Eleven years after the release of the National Arts Standards in 2014, the National Coalition for Arts Standards (NCAS) will launch a thorough survey to collect data on the National Standards for dance, media arts, music, theatre, and visual arts. To best inform decision-making and to ensure transparency in the review, NCAS is asking arts educators, thought partners, education and arts organizations, and stakeholders with interests in arts education to provide critical feedback to guide the process. NCAS says the National Arts Standards have played and continue to play an integral role in improving and supporting arts education for America's students, with nearly all states having revised the state’s arts education standards since 2014. The public input survey can be completed anytime before May 16, 2025. NCAS says additional information and ways to be involved will be shared in the coming months.

Contact: Eric Howard at 

Dual Enrollment System Office Hours 

Audience: Principals, CTE Counselors, High School Counselors, Flexible Pathways Coordinators, College Coordinators

AOE's Student Pathways Division invites counselors and staff from both secondary schools and colleges to an information exchange session focusing on the inclusion of Early College into the Dual Enrollment system. We will discuss the timeline of inclusion, training opportunities, updated user guides, and have time for questions and feedback.   

We have scheduled two DE System Office Hours to best accommodate scheduling demands. The content for each session is the same and interested staff need only attend one of the meetings. 

Contact: Ryan Parkman (Flexible Pathways, Virtual/Blended Learning), 
Amy Dodge (Flexible Pathways, Dual Enrollment, Early College)   

Registration Open! Vermont Kindergarten Conference - Wonder and Joy: Sparking Playful Pathways to Learning  

AudienceAdministrators and Early Educators  

Registration for the 2025 Vermont Kindergarten Conference is now open! Please register early to get the best selection of workshops. The Planning Committee is excited to provide attendees with various workshop options ranging from discovering who is out and about in the winter to strategies for enhancing foundational reading skills. Christine Hertz Housman, the keynote speaker, will highlight how teachers can foster emergent literacy skills and empower children with tools to express their unique voices. The conference will take place on Wednesday, March 26, 2025, at the DoubleTree in South Burlington. For more information, please see this flyer

Contact: Pat Fitzsimmons at 

Graduation Readiness Tool Training — Video and Vermont Graduation Readiness Tool

Audience: Special Educators, Parents, General Educators, Guidance Counselors, Vocational Rehabilitation Transition Counselors

The Graduation Readiness Tool Training goes over all aspects of the new tool. In addition to going over how to use this tool, we will also hear from our Developmental Disability services partners on best practices regarding the timeline for students as they get closer to graduation and ready for the “handoff” from school to developmental disability services. The Vermont Graduation Readiness Tool is designed to address a long standing challenge for IEP teams in Vermont, which is how to best determine the graduation date for students with disabilities, particularly students with developmental disabilities. 

Contact: John Spinney at 

Vermont Proficiency-Based Mathematics K-8 Hierarchies   

AudiencePreK-8 Mathematics Teachers, Instructional Coaches, Interventionists, Curriculum Directors, Principals  

The Proficiency-Based Mathematics K-8 Hierarchies support equity by providing a cohesive and coordinated vision of student-centered learning across Vermont schools. These grade-level hierarchies serve as a foundation for the implementation of standards adopted by the Vermont State Board of Education, Local Comprehensive Assessment Systems, flexible pathways, and personalized learning plans. Since considerable time and effort toward developing proficiency-based learning systems has already taken place across the state, this work is intended to serve as a resource for SUs/SDs to consider as they reflect on key concepts and skills that students should develop within each grade level in mathematics.   

Contact: Rachael Ledwidge at 

Vermont Public: Black History Month Resource 

Audience: Vermont Educators 

From PBS Teacher’s Lounge, each week Vermont Public and PBS KIDS will share an engaging blog post for Black History Month that focuses on resources. Check out this week’s pick, Making Black America: Pathways for Learning, by Stefanie Malone. Visit the Vermont Public Educators page for more recommendations for high-quality resources. 

Contact: Emily Leute at

Vermont Public: Black History Month Blog Post about John Lewis Graphic Novel

Audience: Vermont educators
From PBS Teacher’s Lounge, each week Vermont Public and PBS KIDS will share an engaging blog post for Black History Month that focuses on one graphic novel.  Check out this week’s pick, Why "There is No Better Superhero - Fictional or Not" Than John Lewis, by Tim Smythe. Visit the Vermont Public Educators page for more recommendations for high-quality resources.

Contact: Emily Leute at

Applications Now Open to Join FEMA’s Youth Preparedness Council 

Audience: Education Professionals 

Do you know a young leader who is passionate about disaster preparedness and community resilience? Applications are now open for FEMA’s Youth Preparedness Council (YPC). The YPC is a nationwide program that brings together young leaders who want to make a difference in their communities and build valuable leadership skills. Council members serve for one year and collaborate on projects that promote emergency preparedness, participate in engaging discussions with FEMA leaders, and gain insight into careers in emergency management. Students currently in grades 8 through 11 may apply. Applications can be submitted in either written or video format by March 3. Click here to learn more   

Important Changes to the Behavior Threat Assessment Reporting Requirement 

Audience: School BTA Team Members

In response to feedback received from our partners in the field, the Agency of Education is pausing the Behavior Threat Assessment (BTA) Reporting requirement for SY23-24. This pause will allow us time to work with a small cohort of Superintendents and Independent School Heads to ensure that data is collected, reviewed, and presented in accordance with the intent of Act 29. A minimum school-level dataset will likely be collected later this spring, and additional information will be shared in the new few weeks. Data collected will be used by the AOE to facilitate the development and delivery of school BTA resources, training, and planning for the upcoming year. Refer to Act 29: School Safety and Security for more information. 

Contact: Taylor Goodwin at

2025 Growing Works of Art Contest

Audience: Elementary and Middle School Teachers, Parents, and Students

The Vermont Urban & Community Forestry Program is calling for entries to the 2025 Growing Works of Art Contest. This arts and writing contest is designed for Vermont students grades K-8. The 2025 theme is Tree Tales from A to Z. Students must choose a tree-themed word, create artwork, and a companion short story or written description of selected word. One winner will be selected from each age group. Entries must be received by March 15, 2025. Each winner will receive a Vermont State Parks season punch pass and be featured on WCAX’s “Across the Fence” television show. Learn more and how to enter at:

Contact: Megan Davin at

2024-2025 Family Engagement Networking Series   

Audience: Family Engagement Coordinators and Liaisons, School and District Administrators, Community Organization Personnel, School Counselors    

Please join the 2024-2025 Family Engagement Networking Series: Family Engagement as a Strategy for Improving Belonging and Well-Being. On February 13, 2025, from 1-2 p.m., Katy Preston, the State Coordinator for the Education for Homeless Children and Youth Program, will present on the topic of Supporting Families and Students Experiencing Homelessness. In the session, Katy will share considerations, rights, and support for families, including an overview of Vermont's Education for Homeless Children and Youth program, and Title IV considerations. These are informal monthly virtual sessions facilitated by the AOE Vermont Multi-Tiered System of Supports Team, for family engagement colleagues to connect, hear updates, and share strategies regarding family engagement.   

Contact: Nancy Hellen at 

Invitation to High Schools to Participate in the Adult Diploma Program

Audience: Superintendents, Principals

The AOE is pleased to announce the launch of the Adult Diploma Program (ADP) pilot. The policy manual and other documents related to implementation of the ADP have been posted to the AOE website. Superintendents and high school principals are formally invited to participate in the ADP – please review this memo for more information.

Contact: the Adult Education and Literacy team at

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The field memo has time-sensitive and relevant information designed for students, teachers, and staff. The agency encourages principals, headmasters, and superintendents to share the memo with their education community. Additionally, individuals can subscribe or unsubscribe online.

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