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Volume 18, Issue 4

February 14, 2024


The Agency of Education created the weekly field memo to keep subscribers up-to-date with current education policy, state-wide education initiatives, and official messages from the AOE. The Weekly Field Memo contains education-related posts from the Agency of Education (AOE), other State of Vermont agencies, federal agencies or Vermont's congressional delegation.

Contents: February 14, 2024

Early Warning System Professional Learning Series: Additional Workshops

Audience: Superintendents, Administrators, Data Managers, IT Directors
The Agency of Education is announcing the addition of workshops continuing the Early Warning System (EWS) professional learning series. The first workshop to be offered will focus on developing an EWS team and/or data team at the district level. This workshop will review guidelines for who to include on a team, standard responsibilities and tasks, and team objectives. The second workshop will focus on data science behind EWS and individual cut points versus collective cut points. These workshops will be offered in March, exact dates to be determined. For registration information, reach out to the contact listed below.
Contact: Ryan Parkman at

Save the Date for the 2024 BEST/VTmtss Summer Institute

Audience: Educators, Administrators, Support Staff, Community Members 
Save the Date for the 2024 BEST/VTmtss Summer from June 24-27, 2024 in Killington, VT. This year’s theme is A Place of Belonging: Cultivating School Communities Where Strengths are Valued, Nurtured, and Embraced. The Institute offers an immersive experience for school teams, including educators, caregivers/family members, students, and community partners. This experience is thoughtfully designed to enhance your skills and rejuvenate your approach to supporting social, emotional, and behavioral well-being within Vermont’s multi-tiered system of supports (VTmtss). Registration opens March 6, 2024.
Contact: Laura Greenwood at

Winter Issue of Literary Learning: Vermont’s Newsletter for English Language Arts Educators

Audience: English Teachers, Literacy Coaches
The winter issue of the quarterly newsletter, Literary Learning, is now available. This issue contains an article about early literacy professional learning with Dr. Kate Beauchat as well as resources for evidence-based practices, equity, and differentiated instruction. The winter issue also features an article by a member of the PCG content development team for the literacy modules, highlighting the important role of the content area teacher in supporting literacy. Be sure to subscribe to the Agency’s ELA listserv in order to stay informed about ELA and literacy in Vermont.
Contact: Emily Leute,

Vermont Public: Resources for February Break

Audience Teachers
Find amazing articles and resources to send home during break week. Go to Vermont Public’s Families page to find out about the Jamming on the Job podcast and more! Visit the Vermont Public Educators page for more recommendations for high-quality resources.
Contacts: Emily Leute at or Heather Duhamel at

Virtual Training Opportunity: Federal Resources for K-12 Security Threats and Incidents

Audience: School security staff, administrators, emergency management personnel
Please join the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) for a 1-hour, virtual training on CISA and United States Secret Service resources available to address current threats facing K-12 schools and school districts. Resources and programs covered during this event will focus on topics such as bomb threats, threats originating on social media, threat assessment and reporting, and cyberattacks. The subject matter covered during this event will be particularly relevant to K-12 school security staff, school and district administrators, emergency management professionals, regional and local personnel, and other members of the school safety community. The virtual training will be held on Tuesday, February 20, 2024 at 3 p.m. via Webex. Register for K-12 Security Threats and Incidents training.
Contact: Sunni Eriksen at or email

Developing Emergency Operations Plans (EOPs) K-12 101 Training 

Audience: Current or prospective Behavioral Threat Assessment Team Members 
The Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools (REMS) Technical Assistance (TA) Center, on behalf of the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Safe and Supportive Schools, is pleased to offer the “Developing Emergency Operations Plans (EOPs) K-12 101 Training.” This on-site, 4-hour training presents important Federal guidance on school emergency management planning. Please register via the following link: REMS TA Center Website. Training will take place at Williston Central School on Wednesday, March 6, 2024 from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Contact: Sunni Eriksen at 

Indicator 11, Timelines, and Required Paperwork Webinar and Slide Deck

Audience: Special Education Teachers, Special Education Directors, Superintendents, Evaluation Teams
The Indicator 11, Timelines, and Required Paperwork Webinar and Slide Deck has been posted to the web. This webinar is an overview of indicator 11, required timelines in the IEP process, and the supporting forms. Both documents are posted on the Special Education Resources Page.
Contact: Cassie Santo at

Adverse Effect Chart of Measures

Audience: Special Education Teachers, Special Education Directors, Superintendents, Evaluation Teams
The Adverse Effect Chart of Measures resource has been updated and posted to the web. This is a non-exhaustive chart of measures that offers additional background about adverse effect, the basic skill areas that might be assessed, the variety of measures that could be used, and examples of potential measures of performance.
Contact: Cassie Santo at

Holocaust Education Week: April 1-5, 2024

Audience: Superintendents, Curriculum Directors, 7-12 Educators
The Vermont Agency of Education is collaborating with the Vermont Holocaust Memorial, Echoes and Reflections, and other educational organizations on the 2nd Annual Vermont Holocaust Education Week. From April 1-5, 2024, as part of Genocide Awareness Month, educators in grades 7-12 will be offered a menu of lesson plans and presentations to share with students for a week entitled: “Connections Across Genocides: Learning from the Holocaust”. Please visit the Vermont Holocaust memorial website to learn more and register.
Contact: Martha Deiss at

Online and Blended Learning Conference

Audience: Administrators, Educators, Counselors, Educators, and Other Education Professionals
AOE staff members will be among the presenters at this year's Online and Blended Learning Conference on March 14th and 15th in Colchester, VT. This year’s theme is Unlocking Flexible Pathways Through Collaboration and Community. The conference invites educators from throughout the educational landscape in New England to explore how to unlock flexible pathways, the power of collaboration and community, and create new opportunities for learners at all grade levels. The program includes presentations on proficiency-based graduation requirements, AI tools, digital addiction, career technical education, creating community in online classrooms, and more. For more information visit the Online and Blended Learning Conference website.
Contact: Ryan Parkman at

Subscribe Online

The field memo has time-sensitive and relevant information designed for students, teachers, and staff. The agency encourages principals, headmasters, and superintendents to share the memo with their education community. Additionally, individuals can subscribe or unsubscribe online.

Questions? Email