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Agency of Education Listen and Learn Tour


Over the next few months, Vermont will be undertaking efforts to reimagine the future of the state’s education system. At the same time, the Agency of Education is developing a strategic plan to support Vermont’s education goals. This work will inform how education leaders, school community members, and the Agency of Education collectively ensure that all students have equitable access to high-quality educational opportunities. These parallel efforts include:

  • Agency of Education Listen and Learn Tour: The Agency’s Listen and Learn Tour will engage deeply with local and regional education leaders and school communities to ensure our work aligns with stakeholder needs and priorities. Stakeholder engagement opportunities will include surveys of all stakeholders, regional convenings with education leaders, and listening sessions with educators, families, students and community members. 
  • Commission on the Future of Public Education: The Commission was established in the passage of Act 183 of 2024 (the yield bill).  The Commission is charged with: (1) establishing “a statewide vision for Vermont’s public education system”, (2) creating “an efficient, sustainable, and stable education system” that “afford[s] substantially equal educational opportunities” to all Vermont students, and (3) identifying “strategic policy changes” to make statewide vision a reality. 

As the Agency seeks to work in partnership with those in the field to guide its work, the Listen and Learn Tour and related data gathering will enrich and support the Commission’s conversations to meet their charge. 

Listen and Learn Key Initiatives and Engagement Opportunities

  • Listen and Learn Tour Survey: The survey will be available in August to education leaders, educators, families, students, commission members, and communities. The survey will help to gather broad feedback to help the Agency of Education understand what Vermonters see as the needs, goals and priorities.
  • Regional Convenings: Regional convenings will begin in September. Educational leaders will gather to help explore topics in greater depth and collaborate with Agency staff to develop potential solutions and next steps.
  • Listening Sessions: Listening sessions will begin in October. Education leaders, educators, families, students, commission members, and communities will weigh in on the topics identified during the regional convenings.