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Event Type: Meeting
Event Date: December 6, 2024 - 1:00 PM - December 6, 2024 - 2:00 PM


  • Friday, Feb. 2, 2024
  • May 3, 2024
  • September 6, 2024
  • December 6, 2024

Time: 1-2 p.m. 

Audience: Directors Intervention Services, Early Interventionists, Early Childhood Special Educators/Coordinators, Special Education Directors 

Description: Participants are invited to join this first-in-series session to address, discuss, and problem-solve ongoing topics within Part C to Part B transition. Leslie Davis, Part C Director, Katie McCarthy ECSE/Part B 619 State Coordinator, and Amy Murphy, Early Education Inclusion Coordinator will moderate and facilitate. No previous sign up is required.  

Contacts: Katie McCarthy (Part B),  or Leslie Davis (Part C),   


Microsoft Teams Meeting

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Meeting ID: 261 048 577 919

Passcode: FZVR65

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+1 802-828-7667,,503465329# United States, Montpelier

Phone Conference ID: 503 465 329#

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Event Type: Training
Event Date: December 10, 2024 - 3:00 PM - December 10, 2024 - 4:00 PM

Title: WIDA Assessment Training

Date:  December 10, 2024

Time: 3-4 p.m.

 Audience: WIDA District Test Coordinators and WIDA Test Administrators

Description: In this session, we’ll review changes to the WIDA Assessment this year, and requirements for Test Coordinators and Administrators. There will also be time for questions and clarification.

For more information, contact Heidi Jo Bartlett at

Location: Teams Meeting

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Meeting ID: 248 557 393 671

Passcode: yaN6bT

Dial in by phone

+1 802-828-7667,,166325089# United States, Montpelier

(802) 828-7667,,166325089# United States (Toll-free)

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Phone conference ID: 166 325 089#

Event Date: December 12, 2024 - 1:00 PM - December 12, 2024 - 2:00 PM

2024-2025 Dates and Time: Every second Thursday from 1-2 p.m. starting from Sept. 12, 2024, to May 8, 2025 

Audience: Family Engagement Coordinators and Liaisons, School and District Administrators, Community Organization Personnel 

Purpose: Please save the dates for the Family Engagement Networking Series facilitated by the AOE Vermont Multi-Tiered System of Supports (VTmtss) Team. The sessions will focus on Family Engagement as a Strategy for Improving Belonging and Well-Being. These are informal, monthly one-hour virtual sessions for family engagement colleagues to connect, hear updates, learn of resources, share strategies, and discuss problems of practice regarding family engagement.  

Topics: See 2024-25 Family Engagement Networking Series Topics for session topics.

Contact: Nancy Hellen at

Online Meeting Information

Use the below links to join in any session in this series: 

Microsoft Teams Need help?  

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  • Meeting ID: 217 198 098 819  

  • Passcode: oWxyWL  

Dial in by phone  

  • Phone conference ID: 907 777 39#  

Event Type: Meeting
Event Date: December 17, 2024 - 4:30 PM - December 17, 2024 - 6:30 PM

Date: December 17, 2024

Time: 4:30 – 6:30 p.m.

Event Type: Microsoft Teams

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  • Meeting ID: 214 149 887 417  
  • Passcode: PPzWJm  

Or dial in by phone  

  • +1 802-552-8456,,955117762# United States, Montpelier  
  • Phone conference ID: 955 117 762#  

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Contact: Katie Ballard

Event Type: Meeting
Event Date: December 18, 2024 - 8:30 AM - December 18, 2024 - 4:30 PM

Date: December 18, 2024, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.



Event Date: December 19, 2024 - 3:00 PM - December 19, 2024 - 4:00 PM

Training Dates: Every third (3rd) Thursday starting from September 19, 2024 to May 15, 2025 

Location: Meeting link to join will be email to you before the day of the event. Register for VTmtss Office Hours

Time: 3-4 p.m. 

Purpose: Please join the new VTmtss Office Hours series facilitated by the Agency of Education (AOE) Vermont Multi-tiered System of Supports (VTmtss) Team. The series will focus on VTmtss updates, tools, processes, and systems to support the field and built-in Question and Answer time, with the theme of relationship building woven within each session. Some upcoming topics include: Harassment, Hazing, and Bullying (HHB) Rule 4500 forms and requirements, review of VTmtss survey data analysis and application to decision-making, Educational Support Teams (EST) processes, and more. 

Contact: MJ Jaird at 

Weekly Topics: See VTmtss Office Hours Series 2024-2025 for weekly office hour topics.

Event Date: January 9, 2025 - 1:00 PM - January 9, 2025 - 2:00 PM

2024-2025 Dates and Time: Every second Thursday from 1-2 p.m. starting from Sept. 12, 2024, to May 8, 2025 

Audience: Family Engagement Coordinators and Liaisons, School and District Administrators, Community Organization Personnel 

Purpose: Please save the dates for the Family Engagement Networking Series facilitated by the AOE Vermont Multi-Tiered System of Supports (VTmtss) Team. The sessions will focus on Family Engagement as a Strategy for Improving Belonging and Well-Being. These are informal, monthly one-hour virtual sessions for family engagement colleagues to connect, hear updates, learn of resources, share strategies, and discuss problems of practice regarding family engagement.  

Topics: See 2024-25 Family Engagement Networking Series Topics for session topics.

Contact: Nancy Hellen at

Online Meeting Information

Use the below links to join in any session in this series: 

Microsoft Teams Need help?  

Join the meeting now  

  • Meeting ID: 217 198 098 819  

  • Passcode: oWxyWL  

Dial in by phone  

  • Phone conference ID: 907 777 39#  

Event Date: January 16, 2025 - 3:00 PM - January 16, 2025 - 4:00 PM

Training Dates: Every third (3rd) Thursday starting from September 19, 2024 to May 15, 2025 

Location: Meeting link to join will be email to you before the day of the event. Register for VTmtss Office Hours

Time: 3-4 p.m. 

Purpose: Please join the new VTmtss Office Hours series facilitated by the Agency of Education (AOE) Vermont Multi-tiered System of Supports (VTmtss) Team. The series will focus on VTmtss updates, tools, processes, and systems to support the field and built-in Question and Answer time, with the theme of relationship building woven within each session. Some upcoming topics include: Harassment, Hazing, and Bullying (HHB) Rule 4500 forms and requirements, review of VTmtss survey data analysis and application to decision-making, Educational Support Teams (EST) processes, and more. 

Contact: MJ Jaird at 

Weekly Topics: See VTmtss Office Hours Series 2024-2025 for weekly office hour topics.

Event Type: Meeting
Event Date: January 21, 2025 - 4:30 PM - January 21, 2025 - 6:30 PM

Date: January 21, 2025

Time: 4:30 – 6:30 p.m.

Event Type: Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams Need help?  

Join the meeting now  

  • Meeting ID: 214 149 887 417  
  • Passcode: PPzWJm  

Or dial in by phone  

  • +1 802-552-8456,,955117762# United States, Montpelier  
  • Phone conference ID: 955 117 762#  

Find a local number  

Contact: Katie Ballard

Event Date: February 13, 2025 - 1:00 PM - February 13, 2025 - 2:00 PM

2024-2025 Dates and Time: Every second Thursday from 1-2 p.m. starting from Sept. 12, 2024, to May 8, 2025 

Audience: Family Engagement Coordinators and Liaisons, School and District Administrators, Community Organization Personnel 

Purpose: Please save the dates for the Family Engagement Networking Series facilitated by the AOE Vermont Multi-Tiered System of Supports (VTmtss) Team. The sessions will focus on Family Engagement as a Strategy for Improving Belonging and Well-Being. These are informal, monthly one-hour virtual sessions for family engagement colleagues to connect, hear updates, learn of resources, share strategies, and discuss problems of practice regarding family engagement.  

Topics: See 2024-25 Family Engagement Networking Series Topics for session topics.

Contact: Nancy Hellen at

Online Meeting Information

Use the below links to join in any session in this series: 

Microsoft Teams Need help?  

Join the meeting now  

  • Meeting ID: 217 198 098 819  

  • Passcode: oWxyWL  

Dial in by phone  

  • Phone conference ID: 907 777 39#