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Title File Category Date File Format
Delivery Receipt for Satellite Meal Service edu-nutrtion-delivery-receipt-satellite-meal-service.pdf (88.58 KB) 05/04/2023 PDF
Memo: Update on Vermont Comprehensive Assessment Rollout edu-memo-bouchey-assessment-vt-comprehensive-assessment-implementation-update-20230503.pdf (508.44 KB) 05/04/2023 PDF
State Board of Education - Independent School Approval Review Committee Meeting Minutes: May 3, 2023 edu-sbe-is-approval-review-committee-draft-minutes-05-03-23.pdf (244.4 KB) 05/04/2023 PDF
State Board of Education - Education Quality Standards Meeting: Draft Meeting Minutes-May 1, 2023 sbe-eqs-rule-committee-draft-minutes-05-01-23.pdf (312.82 KB) 05/04/2023 PDF
ELA Newsletter Literary Learning - May 2023 edu-ela-newsletter-may-2023.pdf (720.85 KB) 05/03/2023 Audio
Child Nutrition Programs Contact Information edu-nutrition-cnp-contact-information_1.pdf (278.63 KB) 05/03/2023 PDF
P-EBT Reporting Template and Pending Plan for 2022-23 - Submission 2 edu-p-ebt-datatemplate-May23.xlsx (22.91 KB) 05/02/2023 Spreadsheet
Memo: Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Fund FY 2022 Annual Performance Report edu-memo-bouchey-geer-fy-22.pdf (521.29 KB) 05/02/2023 PDF
Delivery Receipt for Vended Satellite Meal Service edu-nutrtion-delivery-receipt-vended-satellite-meal-service.pdf (122.99 KB) 05/01/2023 PDF
Mateo Case Study: Form 2 - Special Education Evaluation Report edu-form-2-sped-evaluation-report-mateo-5-1-23.pdf (304.14 KB) 05/01/2023 PDF
State Board of Education - Independent School Approval Review Committee Meeting Agenda: May 3, 2023 edu-sbe-is-approval-review-committee-agenda-05-03-2023.pdf (241.36 KB) 05/01/2023 PDF
GEER 1 FY22 Accounting Guide GEER 1 FY22 Accounting Guide.pdf (170.38 KB) 05/01/2023 PDF
Civic Literacy Grant Memo Civic Literacy Memo.pdf (333.14 KB) 05/01/2023 PDF
GEER 1 FY 22 APR Webinar Slide Deck GEER 1 FY 22 APR Webinar Slide Deck.pdf (1.36 MB) 05/01/2023 PDF
Act 1 Working Group's Response to State Board of Education's Proposed Revisions edu-sbe-eqs-committee-act1-response-to-sbe-proposed-revisions-05-01-2023.pdf (221.29 KB) 05/01/2023 PDF
New England School for Girls: Signed Addendum edu-sbe-new-england-school-for-girls-signed-addendum-05-2023.pdf (3.33 MB) 05/01/2023 PDF
Draft Rules with Comments and Questions from Samuelson eqs-final-revisions-under-consideration-updated-by committee-04-27-23-protected.docx (111.51 KB) 04/28/2023 Text
Kurn Hattin: Site Review and Report edu-sbe-kurn-hattin-site-review-and-report-5-2023.pdf (312.38 KB) 04/28/2023 PDF
Kurn Hattin: Response to Report edu-sbe-kurn-hattin-response to-report-05-2023.pdf (103.4 KB) 04/28/2023 PDF
Kurn Hattin: Signed Addendum edu-sbe-kurn-hattin-signed-addendum-05-2023_0.pdf (68.48 KB) 04/28/2023 PDF