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Title File Category Date File Format
Wesley Case Study: Form 1 - Notice of Meeting, EPT edu-form-1-notice-of-meeting-ept-wesley.pdf (289.03 KB) 03/20/2023 PDF
Wesley Case Study: Form 6 - Consent for Initial Provision of Special Education Services edu-form-6-consent-for-initial-provision-of-sped-services-wesley.pdf (547.37 KB) 03/20/2023 PDF
Wesley Case Study: Form 2 - Special Education Evaluation Report edu-form-2-sped-evaluation-report-wesley.pdf (273.53 KB) 03/20/2023 PDF
Wesley Case Study: Form 3a - Consent for a Special Education Evaluation edu-form-3a-consent-for-sped-evaluation-wesley.pdf (583.23 KB) 03/20/2023 PDF
Wesley Case Study: Form 3 - Prior Written Notice for Special Education Evaluation edu-form-3-prior-written-notice-for-special-education-evaluation-welsey.pdf (591.36 KB) 03/20/2023 PDF
Wesley Case Study: Form 5 - Individualized Education Program (IEP) edu-form-5-iep-wesley.pdf (300.57 KB) 03/20/2023 PDF
Act 1 Ethnic Studies Framework Subcommittee Agenda - March 17, 2023 20230317Framework sub-committee-Agenda .pdf (293.39 KB) 03/17/2023 PDF
Form #12: Parental Input Page edu-sped-form-12-parental-input-page_0.pdf (521.5 KB) 03/17/2023 PDF
State Board of Education - Roles and Responsibilities Subcommittee: Update on Work Completed and Next Steps edu-sbe-update-roles-and-responsibilities-01-19-22.pdf (260.94 KB) 03/17/2023 PDF
Form #1: Notice of Meeting edu-sped-form-1-notice-of-meeting.pdf (271.62 KB) 03/17/2023 PDF
Samuelson: Comment on Draft Rules edu-sbe-eqs-rule-committee-comments-from-samuelson-03-17-23.pdf (150.76 KB) 03/16/2023 PDF
Memo: Restraints and Seclusions of Students from Contracted Service Providers and/or Independent Schools edu-memo-watterson-restraints-and-seclusions.pdf (520.33 KB) 03/16/2023 PDF
State Board of Education - Education Quality Standards Meeting Agenda: March 17, 2023 edu-sbe-eqs-committee-agenda-03-17-23.pdf (217.58 KB) 03/16/2023 PDF
Draft Meeting Minutes: March 10, 2023 sbe-eqs-rule-committee-draft-minutes-03-10-23.pdf (237.7 KB) 03/16/2023 PDF
Educate Innovate Initiative Lottery Partnership Educational Technology Program: 2023 Award Application edu-lottery-aoe-grant-spring-2023.pdf (616.85 KB) 03/15/2023 PDF
State Board of Education - Draft Meeting Minutes from March 15, 2023 edu-state-board-final-draft-minutes-03-15-23 .pdf (198.1 KB) 03/15/2023 PDF
State Board of Education Meeting Agenda - March 15, 2023 edu-state-board-final-agenda-03-15-23.pdf (70.43 KB) 03/15/2023 PDF
Item D: Email Correspondence Between the Agency of Education and the Champlain Valley Christian School edu-state-board-item-d-1-03-15-2023.pdf (140.15 KB) 03/15/2023 PDF
Item D: Notification of Champlain Valley Christian School to Recognized Independent School for the Remainder of 2022-2023 School Year edu-state-board-item-d-2-03-15-2023.pdf (208.66 KB) 03/15/2023 PDF
TA Tuesday: Specific Learning Disability edu-ta-tuesday-specific-learning-disability-3-15-23.pdf (599.91 KB) 03/15/2023 PDF