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VT SSIP Evaluation Plan edu-vt-ssip-evaluation-plan.pdf (230.1 KB) 01/25/2022 PDF
VT Part B Results-Driven Accountability (RDA) Matrix 2022 edu-vt-part-b-results-driven-accountability-rda-matrix-2022.pdf (222.26 KB) 07/27/2022 PDF
VT Organization for Jewish Education Administrative Review Summary edu-nutrition-vt-organization-for-jewish-education-summary-22-23.pdf (717.39 KB) 01/19/2023 PDF
VT Flexible Pathways Tool: Considerations for Student Participation in a Flexible Pathway edu-flexible-pathways-vt-flexible-pathways-tool-considerations-for-student-participation-in-a-flexible-pathway.docx (749.34 KB) 04/09/2021 Text
VT Flexible Pathways Profile: A Tool to Evaluate Flexible Pathways at the Local Level edu-flexible-pathways-profile-a-tool-to-evaulate-flexible-pathways-a-local-level.docx (752.42 KB) 02/23/2024 Text
VT ESSER 60 Day Budget Report Narrative and Internal Control and Monitoring edu-vt-esser-60-day-budget-report-narrative-internal-control-and-monitoring.pdf (837.94 KB) 10/26/2020 PDF
VT Early College Program: Disability Services Contact Information edu-early-college-program-disability-services-contact-information-fy25.pdf (70.48 KB) 08/05/2024 PDF
VT Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE): Early Childhood Outcomes Summary (ECOS) Process Online Professional Learning Module Overview edu-ecse-ecos-process-online-professional-learning-module-overview.pdf (576.86 KB) 04/22/2019 PDF
VT Dual Enrollment Voucher Coordinator Guide.pdf VT Dual Enrollment Voucher Coordinator Guide.pdf (1.7 MB)
VT Dual Enrollment Voucher Coordinator Guide edu-dual-enrollment-voucher-coordinator-guide.pdf (2.21 MB) 03/08/2023 PDF
VT Dual Enrollment Student Guide - 2019-2020.pdf VT Dual Enrollment Student Guide - 2019-2020.pdf (1.73 MB)
VT Dual Enrollment College Coordinator Guide.pdf VT Dual Enrollment College Coordinator Guide.pdf (1.57 MB)
VT Dual Enrollment College Coordinator Guide edu-dual-enrollment-college-coordinator-guide.pdf (2.07 MB) 03/08/2023 PDF
VT Digger Article: House Overwhelmingly Backs Bill Prohibiting Race-Based Hair Discrimination edu-sbe-vtdigger-article.pdf (190.48 KB) 02/20/2024 PDF
VT AOE GMS Budget Export edu-vt-aoe-gms-budget-export.pdf (133.8 KB) 12/20/2018 PDF
VT AOE Child Nutrition Programs Waiver Packet Approval Letter - May 16, 2022 edu-nutrition-vt-aoe-child-nutrition-programs-2022-2023-waiver-packet-approval.pdf (298.4 KB) 05/27/2022 PDF
VT Annual Performance Report, Part B – FY2020 edu-vt-annual-performance-report-part-b-fy2020.pdf (1.2 MB) 07/27/2022 PDF
VT AEL Assessment Manual with Distance Education Policy edu-ael-assessment-manual-with-distance-education-policy.pdf (637.24 KB) 07/01/2024 PDF
VSPBE: Final Math Specialist Competencies Final Math Specialist Competencies - May Board edits.pdf (140.54 KB) 08/21/2023 PDF
VSBPE: TAP Request for Approval to Recommend for Design and Tech Ed Endorsement: Green Sheet TAP Request for Approval to Recommend for Design and Tech Ed Green Sheet 10-19-23.pdf (162.23 KB) 10/19/2023 PDF